Ch 48 : My Obsession

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A surprise, I hope it makes you all smile :)

Zain's POV

"valentine's day is coming, what are you buying for Maria? " Alisha asked irritating the hell out of me.

"nothing" I spat.

"Why?" she gasped.

"my wish"

"Ya Allah, Zain you're a horrible husband. I already feel bad for Maria"
She said taking out my wallet from my pocket.

"what are you doing?" I asked trying to snatch the wallet, but I was forgetting something, that she was a Qureshi too. Stubborn as fuck.

"I need money, I have to go shopping and I also need to buy gifts for Maria, I'll be her valentine" she said keeping her hand over her chest.

"oh no no, Maria is an excuse here, you only came to me for money, because mama wasn't giving you any"

"whatever" she took her purse and got out from my office yelling a bye.



I debated with the thought that should I enter my own fucking room or not. How should I communicate? How does the couple talk after their night together? This seems difficult. I held the doorknob took a deep breath. When I was about to twist the knob, I heard soft footsteps coming towards the door. I knew it was Maria.

The door opened in one swift motion and she stood in front of me. A look of excitement and sadness captured her face. As if she was waiting for me. The next moment she came into my arms, hugging me so hard like her life depended on me.

"I knew it was you, I knew it" she said and gave a soft peck on my lips, and again hugged me. I just couldn't wrap my hands around her waist.

After a few seconds, she moved a little back, but her hands were still wrapped around my neck.

"Did you have a very bad day?" she asked in her cute tone, revolving her eyes waiting for an answer. I moved away from her and got in the changing room, ignoring her question.

"Are you very angry today?" she questioned. I blinked, not knowing what to do. I turned my head to her and gave her an angry intensified look thinking that she'll stop.

"Okay fine, I won't ask you any more questions" she said gulping down. Woah, did I just scare her? Whatever. I just reminded myself to stay away from her.

I took off the watch then my coat, she kept looking at my every movement. When it was getting on my nerves I decided to scare her more. I closed the wardrobe with a thud making a loud noise, and she cringed back.

"join us for dinner" she said and nervously went out of the room.

At the dining table, no one was there. Literally no one. Soon Maria came out of the kitchen with a food tray.

"where's everyone?" I blurted out.

"baba is not home, so mama will do her dinner in her room and ashar and Alisha they both are not home yet." she said setting the table. I took my seat and she came by my side. She poured water in the glass and placed it in front of me. When she was about to touch my plate I cut her off.

"I have hands to serve myself " I said in a rude tone. She looked at me with astonishing eyes. Not believing what I said.

Maria's POV

I wonder what's wrong with him. Sometimes he is way too cute and the other he acts so cold. Zain is a very hard man to understand. After he finished his dinner, he got off his chair and walked away, didn't even wait for the desert. I cleaned the table and made hot chocolate for him.

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