Ch27 : Let's Dance

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Zain's POV

So many memories are attached to her. Why is she here now, after ruining my life, after breaking my heart.

"what are you doing here?" I asked her with gritted teeth.

"enjoying the party" she said coming closer and putting her one finger on my chest.

I could see Maria clueless.

"oh really?" I asked removing her finger.

"What is wrong?" she asked acting as if she doesn't know.

"Meet my lovely wife, Maria Rahman. Much more loyal, loving, and caring than you" I said looking at Maria. And I kissed her cheeks too. I knew she didn't expect this.

"ahem! I see." Vanessa said backing off.

"so, how is your boyfriend now?" I asked her, taunting.

"We don't uh- I mean we are not together anymore." she said looking here and there.

"so sad, was it the same guy for whom you left me?  Hmm. I bet you have heard about karma" I held Maria really close to me, leaving no space. And she was constantly trying to free herself.

"look, I'm -" Vanessa started but I showed her my hand.

"Excuse us? We need some privacy." I said and dragged Maria to a corner.

"why can't you stay still for a moment? " I shouted at her.

"Why are you touching me?" she said folding her hands over her chest.

"I'm you're husband"

"but- uffff!!! I have to use the washroom" she started walking fast, and I knew that she didn't want to talk to me. I gestured Alisha to come near, with my eyes.

"what Zain?" she asked looking busy.

"go after Maria, she has never been to any parties like this, so stay with her."

"Okay." she sighed and went to the washroom. I also stood there and saw Mr. Wood and Vanessa talking to each other.

Alisha and Maria both came and stood beside me.

Maria's POV

I hate it when he touches me like that. Though I was a bit jealous of that bitch for touching my husband. But what rights do I have on him anyways?

Vanessa again came to us and asked Zain to dance.

"no, I'll be dancing with my wife." he said.

"with her? What does she have in herself? And what is she wearing?" Vanessa mocked and I immediately fell myself being enraged.

"modesty. Something you have never heard of" I smiled smugly while a frown captured her face. I swear I might have seen a small smile on zain's face. The corner of his lips had twitched but it was gone before I could be sure.

Unlike him, Alisha grinned from ear to ear.

"let's dance!" Zain said forwarding his hand for me to take.

"nope!" I said popping the P. I moved away from him.

I did cringe back in fear and terror. The look in his eyes propounded me to stash myself in the deepest Dorset but it wasn't the time to back off.

Suddenly ashar popped up, out of nowhere.

"When did you arrive?" I asked.

"just now" he said fake removing his sweat.

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