Ch21: Gotcha Mr. Beast!

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This chapter is dedicated to my best friend @nabihanaomi for begging me to update!!!

Zain's POV

She cleaned the room and left. It was my time to taste her Muffins. The Muffins were really tasty that I ate all of them. The inside of it was dipped with chocolate. It felt so good in my mouth the moment it melted.

Tony called me snapping me out of my thoughts.

"whab?" I said

"Hello? Zain?" Tony assured.

"yeb yeb I'm aistening!" I said with a mouth full of muffin.

"bro! Are you okay?"

I finished my chewing and kept him on hold. And on the other hand, he was blabbering.

"give me a break!" I was so done with him.

"bro, the office needs you!"


I left my study in a hurry sending emails. I was in such a haste that I bumped into Maria on my way.

"Can't you see? My phone!" I yelled.

"Hey mister! You were the one who's eyes were glued to the ground" saying this her face twitched into a smile.

Wait! This looks and sounds familiar. Ah, our first meeting.

It was the same situation but the people saying it are different.

She picked my phone and handed it to me.

"did you like the muffins?" she asked getting excited.

"no, I didn't even taste it" I'm not going to admit.

"Aha, I can see that." she grinned.

Did I get caught?

"There is a surprise for you in your car's rear mirror" she yelled going in the other direction without looking at me.

I ignored her and went into the car. I wore my seat belt. I looked in the rear mirror to back. But my eyes stopped. Seeing myself I was feeling like the dumbest person. There was a bit of chocolate stuck to my lips.



Maria's POV

Gotcha Mr. Beast! I have to admit he was looking cute with the chocolate on his lips.

I smiled inwardly.

I went to my room to relax for a bit. I was exhausted. Then I have to help aa'amti Hanifa to make lunch. Even though I don't have to do all that stuff. I just wanted to. I went in and took out my diary from my suitcase. And at that moment mama came in.

"What is this?" mama said pointing at the suitcase.

"my suitcase" I said in a duh tone but sounded respectful.

"I mean, you still take your clothes from your suitcase? But why? Keep them in the wardrobe."

" uh - Zain didn't say anything about it. I don't know. He didn't give me permission. " I said playing with my ring.

" permission? La howla wala quata illah billah! Why do you need permission? You're his wife and you have 50% right on everything he owns "

That bloody means that this bed! It's half mine. But that beast. Arghh!

" I don't think it's a good idea."

"I think it's a brilliant idea." mama went near the stairs and called Maliha to come.

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