Ch 6 : Getting To Know Him

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Maria's POV

God, I'm never ever going to come here again.


"Ammu let's go," I said.

"what are you talking about?!!?! We just came!!" she said. "and we are not leaving before 6" she added.

Omg!!! 6.... It's only 12.30 pm. Shit, I can't. I don't want to see him again.

"APU where were you?" samara asked.

"uh-I washroom. I told you about it right?" I asked her confused.

"Mmmmm... Yh you told me but 20 minutes. You don't take this much time. Then?"

" uh-I was exploring the place. Cool view and all. Really. And samara stop asking questions!!!" and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Maria where were you? You know we were waiting for you!" Alisha said.

Here we go again!

"dude I just went to the washroom! That's it!" I literally yelled.

" sorry if I'm irritating you" Alisha apologized.

"no no don't be. Actually, I'm sorry to shout at you."

"kunafa? (Arabian sweet) " she asked.

"oh I love them"

"let's go to the kitchen."

I followed her and guess what who was there... Him.

Thank God. This time he is properly dressed.

"Hey !!!" he excitedly said.

"uh-Maria... Meet my brother Zain."

"Zain, this is Maria."

Brother?!?!! Seriously.

"hey, Maria!! Nice meeting you" he said with a smirk.

"uh - hi," I said.

" Maria just waits here... I'll bring my pho," Alisha said.

"no no....." but she was already gone.

"won't you say nice meeting you too," he asked.

"not at all. It's not at all nice meeting you!!"

"why babe? Is there any problem?" he leaned a bit closer.

"just- just st-stay away!!" I said.

"Baby I can't control myself when you're in front of me"

Wait... What? Control?

"what do-do y-you mean??"

"what I mean is......" he leaned more closer. So close that we could feel our breaths.

but before he could say anything Alisha came.

I love you, Alisha! Thank God for saving me!

"what happened Maria?" she asked.

God, I'm breathing so fast. Stop it, Maria.

"uh - nothing," I said handling the situation. I tried to put a smile on my face.

"OK if you say so, and Zain doesn't disturb my friend... Got it??" Alisha said.

"OK ok sista I won't" he cooed.

Wow, he is so cute!! Shit Maria off stop.

Alisha handed me a plate of kunafa.

God this looks delicious.

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