Ch 5: Meeting Him Again

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9.30 am

Maria's POV

It's Friday and I wanted to sleep but I couldn't anyways I got up and brushed. I went to the kitchen and saw am making breakfast. I went to the living room and saw papa watching TV. Actually news.

" Assalamualaikum (peace be upon you)" I said.

"Alaikum Assalam(peace be upon you too)". He said and I nodded.

"how're your studies going?" papa asked. " it's going great" I replied.

" breakfast is ready" Ammu shouted.

" c'mon ma" papa told me and I nodded. I liked it when my father called me that.

"Maria... Go and call your brother and check on your sister as well...." and I obliged like an obedient daughter.

"this samara... She didn't even wake up lazy kid!!" Ammu commented.

My crazy family... I thought and smiled.

Everybody gathered at the dining table.

" are you all aware of the fact that we all are going to your uncle's house?" papa asked.
And we all nodded.

" then get ready before 11," he said and left.

"Ammu why are invited?" I asked.

"you remember Aida?? She said.

" yh. Mr. Adam's daughter?"

" yes... She is having a baby girl. "

" babies..... I love them " I commented.

" get ready go " Ammu said.

I wore my black jeans and my red top with matching black heels. I wanted to keep my hair open but then I decide to wear my scarf loosely.

We all went to the 7th floor.
And we all greeted each other.

"Assalamualaikum,,,," we said.

"Alaikum Assalam," they said.

" How are you all?" asked Mrs. Adam

" We all are fine" we replied.

And all the elders went to the living room. Judging the shoes outside their house I can tell that there are families other than us. home. Full of antics. What do they do with it I wonder...

"hey you did you see their house?" samara asked.

"I'm seeing it, Sami," I Said.

"go-to girls...... Make yourself comfortable." Mrs. Adam said.

"Hey!!" A girl with red hair said. Looks my age.

"uh-hi," I said.

"I'm Alisha. And you?"

"I'm Maria. Nice meeting you."

"The pleasure is all mine."

Sweet girl.

"so how come you know uncle Adam?" she asked.

" uh-I actually my dad and your uncle work in the same office. That's why we happen to know them. And what about you?" I asked.

"I'm uncle Adam's niece. I and my two brothers are here. Mom and dad will arrive later."

"Hmm," I said.

"am I invisible to you both?!?!" samara said furiously.

" oh ya... This is my sweet little sister samara"

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