Ch 49 : Paris

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Zain's POV

I walked up to my parent's room, and stood in front of it, and knocked on the door. After a couple of seconds mama opened the door and let me in.

"where is baba?" I asked kissing her cheeks.

"go in" she said.

"ya baba" I called for him and he yelled back my name.

"how come you remember me Zain?" he asked and gave a exaggerated simper.

"baba" I snarled.

"How are you?" he questioned while keeping his head back on the chair. Mama lay on the bed,and I took a seat by the edge of the bed.


"So..?" he asked.

"baba, I might have to go to France tomorrow for a business trip, will you come with me?" I asked showing him some papers.

"I don't want to travel now, it's better If you go alone, I want to spend some time with your mama " he said, laughed weakly, and looked at mama who gave her a coy smile.

"that's sweet of you baba, anyways you both take rest, I'll go" I started to leave and that's when mama held my wrist and stopped me. She made me sit by her and rubbed my arm.

"take Maria with you" mama said and looked directly into my eyes.

"huh, why?" I interrogated.

"it will be a change for her, she always sits at home, does something for her" she held my cheeks and kissed my forehead. " what do you say?" she asked baba.

"you're right, your mama is right Zain, take Maria with you" even he started taking mama's side.

"but it's a business trip" I explained

"so what? You won't work 24/7, will you? Take her with you, you will also get to spend some time with her." his voice hefty.

"but -"

"no buts. Habibi take her" mama said.

"fine" I gave up. Did I mention earlier that Qureshi's are stubborn?
I think I did.

I walked out to the backyard to make a phone call, but someone snatched it from me.

"Maria, what are you doing?" I yelled.

"dragging your attention" she nonchalantly said.

"I have a name for your information"

"as if I didn't try to call you, but how will you listen, you had those damn earpods on " she pulled out the earpods and handed it to me.

"Why are you here?"



She chuckled and said " I just came to give you company"

"that's not necessary" I casually said.

"let's just go out for dinner" she offered.


"just randomly asking" she cooed.

"Maria, pack your bags, we are leaving"


"We are going to France" I said and went back to wearing my earpods when I didn't get any answer from her, I looked at her, to found her frozen in a place. She had that wide smile plastered on her face. But said nothing.

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