Ch 39 : Jet

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Maria's POV

OH my god.

What just happened out there?

But a part of me enjoyed it.


Oh god!

I'm so confused right now, confused about my relationships, confused about my marriage. Does he even like me? Or am I just a time pass to him?

I washed my face with cold water to cool my face a bit, it was literally burning.

I took deep breaths trying to calm my heartbeats.

I got out of the washroom to see him already dressed, hair gelled, and stuff.

"get ready in 40 mins, we have to leave, uh then we will do breakfast here" he said while wearing his watch. How can he behave so calm?

"um make it 20" even I played along. I took my outfit and went to the washroom to change.

Whoever chose this outfit was perfect for me.

It was a red sweatshirt with denim jeans and a black leather jacket and a black scarf.

I stood in front of the mirror and applied mascara to my eyes, blinking a few times. Wore a bit of nude lipstick.

I took the same flats from yesterday because my buyer forgot to buy one.

"I'm ready!" I yelled while removing my phone from the charger.

"let's go" he said not looking up from his phone.

I entered the elevator and pressed the ground floor, I mean we. While going down the whole aquarium was seen.

"Zain, look". I yelled in excitement.


"the aquarium!"

"so?" He rolled his eyes in Exasperation.


We reached the ground floor and I followed him like a lost puppy, Bumping Into people and saying sorry. He didn't even look at me once to see if I'm okay or not. It was hard to keep up with his pace.

We sat in one of the chairs in the Cafe.
The waiter walked up to us and asked for our order by placing the menu on the table.

"I'd like to have a buttered toast and a black coffee" Zain said closing the menu.

"one chicken sandwich and a milk tea, thank you" I plastered a  smile on my face. He returned the smile back.

We ate our breakfast in pure silence, which was kinda awkward for me, I don't know about him.

My phone rang and I saw the caller ID, it's mama.

I picked it up and she asked when we are coming back and I told her maybe in 3 hours.

He stood up after finishing his food, I stood with him too.

He walked in the opposite direction of the gate.

"Are we not supposed to go there?" I said pointing to the door.


"then?" I spat.

He didn't answer me and I again followed him like a lost puppy.

He leads me to the other way, and I found a car waiting for us.

Silence now filled the car and I'm so grateful that Mr. Arrogant didn't say anything. I guess he is really smart when he wants to. It was now getting late and the car was literally flying, because I don't think he is driving on the ground by the way he is speeding up.

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