Ch 31: Promise

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Maria's POV

I went home taking a taxi. It was 3.46 in the morning. No one has ever made me travel on a taxi alone that too at this time. I sighed inwardly thinking that my own husband left me. I can't blame him. Zain's family has suffered a lot only for me. The taxi driver was an old man, my eyes landed on his key chain which was having a child's picture. I let a sigh of relief thinking that he is harmless.

The driver dropped me in front of the main gate. The security didn't open the gate. When I went near I looked at the camera.

"open the gate uncle, it's me" I said looking into the camera.

The mini gate opened which was for persons to in.

"Sorry ma'am, we thought it was someone else " he apologized looking down.

"it's fine uncle, and please call me Maria" I said with zero energy left in me.

He nodded and I walked up to the door of the mansion. I entered the pin which luckily mama told me. I went in, and the house was pitch dark.

I walked up to my room and seeing the state of this room, I can say that Zain was here. He again made a mess, which I again have to clean.

I cleaned up the room and changed into my oversized t-shirt and trousers. Feeling a lot more relaxed, after taking out that heavy dress. I did my ablution then unfolded the prayer mat and prayed Fajr. After praying I made dua'a and passed my hands over my face.

I tried to sleep a little, but my mind always drifts to Zain. How is he? where is he? what is he doing? Is he okay?


I decided to call Zain, but that's when I realized that I didn't even have his number. I thought of taking his number later from mama.

I went to the backyard and took a walk. I called ammu, and she picked up in a few rings.

"Assalamualaikum" I greeted.

"walaikum assalm" she greeted back.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine, Maria, are you okay? Why do you sound sad?" she said in a concerned tone.

Shit, I forgot who I was talking to! My mom, who kept me for 9 months in her womb. Of course, she knows if I'm sad or not.

"Ammu, I love you" I blurted out.

She giggled a little then said "after 19 years you remember this?"

"Ammu!" I yelled but in a funny way.

"maru, are you missing me? Then come home, bring also bring zain with you" she said getting excited at the end.

"why?!?! Why should I bring him?"

"because he is your husband"

"I'll see" I sighed.

I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I found mama drinking her coffee.

"habibti, when did you guys arrive yesterday?" mama asked in her motherly tone.

"uh - it was almost 3 at night" I said taking out some cereals.


"How was your night?" she asked taking a sip.

"it was great"


"Zain is probably sleeping right?"

Shit. What do I say?

I just nodded and added milk to my cereal.

"OK, then I'll check on your baba" she said and left.

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