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***1 year later***

Maria's POV

" Nia and Alisha, please help me with the balloons" I asked them to help me to blow the balloons for the birthday party.

Suddenly someone pulled me from behind and I fell in their arms.

"Zain" I breathed.

"I missed you" he said wrapping his arms around my waist.


"yeah, that's why I'm home early today"

"I can see that"

"You did everything nicely"

"I have to, it's our children's first birthday, that too together" I said.

You need not to be surprised. Yes, I gave birth to twins. Samaira and Ayaan. And there, a year ago we were fighting would it be a girl or a boy. I guess Allah (Swt) listened to both of us.

"Maria " I heard a female's voice from the other side of the hall and looked back to see my mom. I rushed to her and hugged her.

"I have missed you a lot " I said, getting relinquished in her motherly hug.

"My God, you have grown up a lot, were are my grandchildren?" She asked.

"Here they are " Nia said holding Ayaan and Alisha came with Samaira.

Ammu kissed both of them and gave blessings, normal mother things.

" Assalamualaikum Ammu " Zain kissed ammu's forehead. Oh and now he is used to calling my mother with the name I call her.

"Walaikum asslaam how are you?" She ran her fingers through his hair.

"I'm good, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine too "

Papa, Bhai, samara also came afterward. And they all sat at the sofa to chitchat. Soon, baba and mama also made their appearance.

Ashar, Alisha, Nia, Tony, Zoya, Zain, and I were sitting at the other end of the hall, kids on Tony's lap.


I got upstairs to change into my party clothes and also make my kids ready for the party.

I saw zain struggling with the diapers which he couldn't make Ayaan wear.

"Give it to me "

" I can do it " he said.

First, try.

Second try.

Third try.

And he failed.

And here I was done with Samaira.

"Zain stop it " I chuckled. " now hold samaira " I passed her to his lap.

I did his diaper and made him ready, making him wear the cutest suit. He just looked like a little man.

"My princess is wearing a frock " zain kept on kissing our daughter.

"C'mon, let's get ready and get downstairs, what about the cake?" I asked.

"On its way" he said.

I looked at my family, Zain laid on the bed, and they both crawled in front of him.

It's priceless to give birth to a human being and raise them. It's something that is yours forever. The bond is always there. You'll have no doubt that you will always have them in your thoughts and your life. Well, there is no return or exchange policy on them so you're stuck with them.

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