Ch42: I Think You're Falling For Him

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Hey guys, so this chapter is gonna have a few mature contents. Skip if you want to. *winks*

And before you start, please pause for a sec, go back and vote for the previous chapters.


Maria's POV

Now I understand how Zain felt when he saw Zoya on the hospital bed. It hurts. It really does, and knowing it's your fault. I shouldn't have yelled at him. I shouldn't have said him to leave me. I want him to hold me.

"Maria?" Nia came to me running.

"Nia!" I hugged her with all the energy I had.

"what happened? How did this happen? Tony told me-"

"This is all my fault" I sobbed like a child.

"what do you mean?"

"Neither would I have shouted on him, nor any of this would happen"

"elaborate!" she demanded.

I told her everything, about Vanessa, about her relationship with Zain, and that I yelled at him. And once again I broke into sobs.

"ya Allah toke mere felbo naki nije more jabo ( should I kill you or kill myself?"  she snarled.

"ki? (what?)" I asked.

"that girl is a bitch, she wants you to shout at Zain, I'm sure she lied to you, think of it, she purposely called you there, she knew it that Zain was in that resort! Are you dumb? Yes you are"

I looked at her intently and tried to think about it.

She was indeed right. She definitely was right.

"ya Allah, what have I done?"

"it's not okay, but it's OK" she said rubbing my back.


"honestly you deserve a slap"

"I'm sorry"

"don't cry, shush, he'll be fine"

"Why does it hurt to see him in so much pain?" I asked looking at my feet.

"I think you're falling for him" she said and my eyes snapped to hers.

The doctor came out and removed his mask.

"How is he?" Tony asked.

"He needs blood, so we sent the nurse to bring it, I think his type is not available right now"

"what's his blood type? " I asked standing up from the chair.

"AB positive" the doctor said.

"Maria has the same type" Nia said looking at Tony.

"Yeah, I can give him" I said to the doctor.

"OK, are you pregnant?" he asked.


"any medical issues?"


"Ok come with me"


After the doctor took my blood, he again went into the ICU. Mama, baba, Ashar, Alisha and aa'amti Hanifa every one were here. Mama was constantly crying. I felt so bad for her. Both her children were in the hospital, only for me. At that moment, I just wanted to die.

Papa and Bhai came after a few seconds and I cried on papa's chest. He rubbed my back, saying he will be fine.

"he is out of danger, but he is unconscious, you can meet him one by one" the doctor said shaking baba's hand.

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