Ch 41 : Messed Up

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Zain's POV

I don't know why but for some reason those eyes felt oddly familiar. Her eyes were watery, captivating. And her smell I swear it was Maria's.

For a moment our eyes met and we both gasped. But before I could say anything, she stormed out of the elevator.

And luckily she left her bracelet which has the initial M on it.

Maria? Why?

"Sir, we are getting late" kinza brought me back to reality.



I Called kinza after going to my cabin. She picked the phone after three rings, that's why I liked my secretary, too obedient to her duty.

"kinza, call the driver who drove the Mercedes today, and tell him to come to my office immediately."

"yes sir" she said. Once I know where Maria went and why she was there the reason will be unrevealed.

At 3 pm the driver knocked on the door.

"where did you take your ma'am today?" I asked the driver while his head hung low.

"Sir, I dropped her to the mall, and she said she will be back with a taxi and said I  should go home"

"And you came back ?"

"yes sir"

"did I not tell you to stay with her? Then why did you come home?"

"sir ma'am told-"

"you're fired"

"Sorry sir-"

"take your payment from the office, now leave"

The reason was eating my head so I drove back home. I found ashar and Alisha watching TV in the drawing hall.

"where is Maria?" I asked raking my fingers through my hair.

"in your room" Alisha said in a duh tone.

"bro, she looked upset, better buy a gift for her" said Ashar too busy with the TV, didn't even bother to look.

I glared at both of them and they went back to watching TV.

I walked up to my room and found her on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

"ahem" I cleared my throat.

"Why are you here?" she asked me with anguish. I gave her a smile knowing the whole matter which was quite funny. And the way she was acting was ice on fire.

"because my wife forgot to pay her bills in a clothing store ?" I said trying not to overreact, and her expression changed immediately into a sudden realization.

"that's my problem" her voice cracked and she was getting nervous for some reason.

"That was you, wasn't it?" I said and her eyes shot up to me.

"what are you saying?"

"you went to that resort" she didn't answer me and went to the washroom locking it. I knocked on the door for her to react but she didn't. I could hear her cry and she was not even opening the door.

After waiting for a minute, I thought of opening the door with the keys. I was running out of all my patience. I got the keys in and turned the knob opening the door.

She was crying, sitting on the bathtub, with a tissue box near her.

"what happened?" I started going near her but soon she threw the tissue box on me. Nevermind.

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