Ch 15: The Wedding

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Maria's POV

This is the day that I dreamt about. It is finally here. Today I'm going to get married. Honestly, I'm very nervous. My stomach is still growling. Yesterday I cooked dinner but was not able to eat anything else since I ended throwing up everything that entered my stomach.

The Wedding was simple. My dad told me yesterday that he talked to the guy's family. They agreed that they wanted to just bring a judge to make the marriage official under the law and that was it. I guess I have to say bye to my dream of having a great gigantic wedding.

I woke up with the smell of breakfast. That smells yummy. And after few seconds came in Nia grinning like always.

"rise and shine Maria. It is finally the day" she said setting down the food plate.

Yesterday she slept at my place talking about a 'girl's night ' I remember. She made me stay up the whole night, saying that I have to put henna on my hands. And the fact that it's a simple wedding doesn't mean that we are going to skip all the customs. I also finished packing my suitcase. I just took the things that really mattered to me. After all zain's mother told me to only pack one suitcase the last time I saw her.

I looked at the time on the clock. It was 12 pm. Wow, time flies so fast.
I jumped on the bed staring at my friend.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier? actually don't answer that I'm pretty sure that you felt guilty after making me stay up the whole night."

"yeah yeah, whatever. Eat your food. You have to start getting ready, I will show you the make up I bought. I will fix it up for you" She said giggling.

"Did you just say that you would do my make up? Or am I hearing things? I asked in mock horror.

"of course" she said. " I took some lessons from the owner of the library" she told me grinning.

"May lord help you. You took lessons from an old lady, and now you think you have the experience to do my make up for my wedding day?" I asked her, trying to be serious.

"You know what, since you don't trust me. I have changed my mind. I'm not doing it"

" no no no I was just joking. Of course, I trust you."I tried not to laugh.

"No, I don't trust myself Maria. I'll ruin your make up. No need. The beautician will do it"

"Are you sure?" I asked again.

"Yeah"  for a sec we were silent and kept looking at each other and then only we started giggling like crazy people and that's when mom came in.

"I can see you guys are having fun. But it's already time to leave. We will go to the convention center and there Maria you will get ready okay. Nia plz, take care of the dress and jewelry. And Maria finish your food fast."

"don't worry aunty. And you know her awfully slow like a turtle." they both laughed in front of me. And I rolled my eyes.

"dad and Bhai left. When are we leaving ??" samara said coming in opening the door with a loud bang.

"after 2 hours" I said eating my toast.

"what?? I want to see the decorations of the hall" samara said in a sad tone.

"you can see that later samara. Now stay with me. I'll be leaving" I said and looked down.

"aww come here" samara came and hugged me.

"wait I'm coming too" Nia came and hugged too.

"wait. Let's just go and hug ammu all together" I said breaking the hug.

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