Ch30: Past

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OK so my break is over, and school starts from tomorrow, so updates will be slow... Hope you guys understand!

Maria's POV

I remembered each and every moment of that day. Every moment was floating around my eyes.


Me Nia and Lisa were sitting in our school cafeteria stuffing our mouths with food.

That's when Brittany, Amanda, noor, Hania entered the Cafe aka the popular girls in schools aka the makeup store aka the bitches.

"everyone present in this Cafe will help me play a prank on Mrs.finn, and if you guys don't, then you know the rest" Brittany the leader of that gang said standing in one of the benches grabbing everyone's attention.

"here comes the drama queen" Lisa whispered to us and we giggled.

"I have a class, see you guys later"

I stood up to leave the Cafe but Brittany pointed at me and everyone's attention was at me now.

"Hey, you! Where are you going?" she asked getting down.

"I have a class to attend, sorry" I said taking my books and leaving.

"I'm not done yet, you have to listen. nobody disrespects me, do you who I am? Do you know who my father is?" she said coming closer.

"I don't know and I don't want to know, now if you will excuse me" I said pushing her shoulder. I knew who her father was, our school's trustee.

"you bitch" I know at that moment she wanted to punch, slap or kick me but Zoya came in between.

"Leave her, let's go" Zoya did dragging Brittany. I always wondered what Zoya was doing in that group.

They all went out calming that angry Brittany.

"I'm tired of this everyday drama" I sighed and sat on the bench.

"I know right, these bitches got nothing to do with their useless life?" Nia said taking a seat with me.

"we're getting late, let's go" Lisa said making me stand.

"yeah yeah" me and Nia both said at the same time.


The bell for the physics class rang and we went to our class. Our sir was explaining Einstein's theory which was not at all interesting, so I was drawing emojis at the back of my notebook. My luck was bad that Brittany and noor were in the same class as mine. And my girls weren't. We heard a knock on the door, and sir stopped explaining and opened the door.

The principal came in, scanning the faces.

"Ms. Brittany, would you do the honor to stand?" principal sir asked her to stand with a poker face.

Brittany stood up reluctantly, sticking out her tongue, but unfortunately, our principal was too busy talking to our physics teacher.

"yes sir?" she said folding her hands on her chest.

Man show some respect.

"did you leave frogs in Mrs. Finn's room and also left glue in her seat?" he asked Brittany.

And she wickedly declined.

I just rolled my eyes.

"Did anyone see her doing this?" the principal asked us.

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