Ch 36 : Wild Night Out

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Zain's POV

Spinning my pen in the conference table, I watch Emma an employee to present a small presentation on the development of the project. She is an accomplished event planner, her eyes sparkle with intelligence as she knows she is best in her work. I like her confidence, thankfully she remained cordial to me even after I literally kicked her out of my room for not making the deal final with the dealers. I notice, Tony is watching her without blinking, not tired of looking at her, even though he sees her a lot nowadays. I smile returning my gaze to Emma who is oblivious to Tony's undividable attention.

Looking at Emma, my mind constantly conjures Maria's beautiful face. Suddenly, I regret my decision for forcing her to marry me.

I never felt like this before the way I'm feeling around Maria, her aura and her presence is so strong and captivating. She is making me crazy with the needs.

" Mr. Qureshi, what do you think about this arrangement ?" I stop spinning my pen, while I try to keep my face straight and unaffected.

"Uhm... It's fine I think it's time to call off the meeting as I have some important work to attend" I get up from my chair taking my glares, the surprise is written all over her face and at the same time Tony looks he is ready to pounce on me for dismissing this meet abruptly especially not uttering any praise words to his precious Emma. That's for taking out my wife and lying to me, you fucker. Without even paying any attention to both of them I headed home to see my wife.

I never knew going back to my wife would be so overwhelming.

I went home and looked at the kitchen, but only the maids were cooking, she was not there.

"you're home today, so early? Mama asked from the kitchen.

" Yeah, mama where is Maria? " I asked with a smile.

" in her room probably "she said guiding the maids what to add and not.

I walked up to my room and couldn't find her. I searched in the bathroom and the changing room but still couldn't see her.

Not again Maria.

I dialed her number and the sound was coming from this room, I looked around and saw her phone placed on the bedside table.

I took her phone in my hand and saw my name on the screen as " Mr. Arrogant" I smiled looking at the phone. I looked outside the window and the weather is a bit chilly.

Finally, I spotted Maria in the backyard.

I looked at the mirror and fixed my tie.

I went to the backyard and it feels like I'm going there after ages. I found her reciting Quran, not so loud but her mumbling was coming to me like a sweet melody. I stood there admiring her. After reciting she stood up and looked at the sky.

"missing me?" I said haughtily, the look of surprise on Maria's face was laughable.

"Yeah, very! How badly I missed you!" sarcasm clear in her tone.

"who is this Mr. Arrogant?" I asked her and she looked at me with wide eyes. Again the look on her face was funny.

"you touched my phone?!" she gasped.

"no I didn't, I kinda did, I mean your phone's screen was right in front of my eyes." I said defending myself.

"uhh - don't you think it's going to rain today" she said looking at the sky.

"We are in the UAE. it never rains here" I said being too sure. And she raised her eyebrows.

"OK it does, for an hour or so, it's not like it's going to rain cats and dogs" I looked at her which had and tiny lines of worries around her temple.

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