Ch10 : Decision

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Zain's POV

I got out of the shower. Put on my shorts and a shirt. I rested my head on mama's lap. It's soothing. She ran her fingers through my hair.

"She must be in pain?" I asked mama.

"yes " she wiped away the tears.

"In Shah Allah, everything will be fine," she said. " go to sleep" she added.

After some time she left thinking that I'm sleeping, but I just can't stop thinking about her, and her relationship with me and my past. I was thinking about how to make it even.

I'll turn your life into a living hell, Maria. You will regret the day you were born. Your whole family will suffer, for what you did to me and my family.

Then an evil idea came to my mind.


My alarm rang and I woke up, the sun rays hit my eyes. I took a shower. Wore my suit. Applied gel. Sprayed my perfume. Wore my watch. I was ready for work.

I went to the dining area. I saw everyone sitting there.

This is the right time to say.

"Assalam Alaikum mama, baba" I greeted.

"walaikumassalm zainny" mama replied.

"walaikumassalm" baba said.

"here take some bread" mama said.

"uh I have to tell you guys something" with that I caught everyone's attention. Ashar, Alisha mama, baba.

"shu? (what?)" baba said.

" uh- I - you know baba I accepted your decision of me taking over the company, now it's time you and mama do something for me. Will you do it?"

"obviously Habibi, name it?" mama said with a sparkle in her eyes. But baba raised his eyebrows.

"I know this girl, who I want to, I mean I want her to, the thing is I want to get married. And this is the girl." I showed them the picture.

Ashar nearly choked. Alisha smirked. Mama was shocked with excitement as well as curiosity. And baba was dumbfounded.

" you what? " baba coldly asked.

" baba I want to marry her. " I said again.

" who is she? What's her name? Where does she live? Is he even from our status " mama asked?

"her name is Maria, she lives in Abu Dhabi and she is from Bangladesh," I said nervously but I kept a straight face.

"what? A different nation and you want to build your home with her?" baba asked.

"yes, I believe she is the perfect match for me. If you meet her, you won't be disappointed." I said.

"fine, but I want to meet her first." baba commanded.

"as you wish," I said and he left.

"yoo brother, getting a wife huh not bad?? Show me her Picture"Ashar said and I rolled my eyes. he snatched my phone.

"yallah, show me. Don't hide her, after all, she will be my future sister in law" he scanned her Pic for a sec or two then "ohho she is one piece of hotness. Jackpot bro"

I glared at him. And he grinned.

Mama saw the picture and I crossed my hands.

"Masha Allah she is beautiful. Are you sure you want to marry her?" mama asked.

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