Ch 7 : Wake Up

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Zain's POV

" She is surely something. I need to know everything about her." I said to myself. While exiting the building. But little did I know that we would meet the next day.

When I met her again at my uncle's house I was awestruck by her beauty. Her petite figure, big eyes, long lashes, plump lips, how much I wanted to get to know her.

Shut up zain she doesn't even like you. Yes. But I still gotta keep a hard attitude in front of her. Girls easily fall in love with the bad boys.

I chuckled while thinking about it.

"someone's daydreaming". Alisha fake coughed.

"what are you talking about?" I raised a brow.

"I saw what was happening there?" she grinned.

"where? And what was happening?" I tried to act along.

"Zain!! stop it OK! I'm your sister, I know you better than you. So don't you dare hide anything from me"

"ughhhh, what I like her but she doesn't like me back."

" then make her like you idiot!" she scolded.

"huh, do you think she will like me. Our first meeting was a crazy one and our second one was Ummm... I really don't know what it was but the thing is she clearly doesn't like me and never will maybe... I don't know." I deeply sighed.

"Zain just get to know her first then think about it bruh ."


"what is it?? love at first sight!!?!!"

" just leave my room. Out. Get out." I yelled.

"OK ok I'm leaving but we will talk about it soon".

And I rolled my eyes.. my sister can be too much.

Such a pain in my ass.


"Zain wakes up it's already 7," a sweet voice said.

"ughh go away let me sleep," I said.

"honey, you're getting late" this time the voice felt really close to my ear.
When I opened my eyes immediately the sun rays hit my eyes.

"Allah that hurts". I groaned.

"Morning sunshine" the voice spoke.

"wait what Maria? What are you doing here in my room" I asked, saying I was shocked would be an understatement I was more than shocked.

"ya it's me, were you expecting someone else?"

"no no I mean yes I mean no wait what are you doing here?"

" I'm here to kick you out," She said.

"excuse me?"

" yes you idiot wake up or I'll definitely kick your ass"

Suddenly the voice started to change from sweet to rude.

"wake up wake up" and I fell on the floor.

"ughhhhhhhhhh Maria what's wrong with you" I groaned.

" Maria? It's me Alisha your sister remember?! Dude what's wrong with you?" she looked like she was about to burst in laughter.

"what wait? Let me think!! That was a dream! Fuck!" I cursed.

" and you were dreaming of her? " she flashed her teeth.

"no shut the fuck up!" get out of my room. "

" I'm going but mom and dad are calling you. Don't be late, you know them? "

" yes yes coming! Now go "

She shut the door with a bang!

" hey this is my room, you're paying for the damage "

Ugghhh! She is a complete headache.

I brushed and then took my shower I came out with my towels on. Then I put on my denim jeans with a white shirt. I combed my hair and applied some gel. I wore my Rolex watch and my signature perfume.


" Assalamualaikum mama, baba" I greeted my parents who were sitting on the dining table, with them seated Alisha and my baby brother ashar. To he exact, a confused teen.

"Alaikum Assalam " they answered.
I took a seat beside ashar.

"you called me?" I asked.

" yes I did," my dad said.

My mom served me my coffee and sandwich. I took a bite.

" I want you to take over the company" dad announced.

I nearly choked.

"you what?!" I asked.

" you heard me right I want you to take over" Qureshi & enterprises" my company " he repeated.

" but baba I'm not ready for this I'm only 24 " I reasoned him.

" no buts I'm your father and you have to do whatever I say, and about the age, this is a perfect age, I also did the same thing when I was 22 and today you're coming to our office I'll officially sign the company to you and then retire because I'm getting old, now you're my son and this is your duty to repay for whatever I did for you " his tone got a little softer at the end.

" uh, if that's what you want then fine. " I said.

"that's my son makes me proud my child makes me proud." with that he left.

He was actually really proud.

"Masha Allah my son is big now. Taking over your baba's company Masha Allah" she pinched my cheeks.

"oww mama that hurts I'm not 7 anymore," I said rubbing my cheeks.

"you'll always be a kid," she said.

"ya a 24-year-old kid" Alisha joked and everybody broke into laughter.

"what's so funny?" I'm is so done with this kid.

"eat now shush!" mama said.

OK, guys hi! Writing after a long time lol. My exams are on my head so I can't update frequently but I'll try to and one thing this my first chapter as zain's POV and writing as a boy is hard but I still tried.

Hit like, comment, share. Shower me with love. Love you all.

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