Ch2 : Friends

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Maria's POV

Our first-class started. And it was maths.


Mr. Smith came in and everybody was quite. He is quite strict. So nobody dared to make any noise.

Suddenly we all heard a song " I love it when you call me senorita, I wish I could pretend I didn't need ya" it's me and my ringtone.

" oh my godddddddd, I didn't put my phone on silent mode shit" I cursed under my breathe. But Nia heard it.

" who is that?? Who is that who dared to make noises while I'm solving problems on board...who is that idiot????"

" it's me sir I'm sorry" I heard someone say that and it's nice.

Oh my! what would I do without her.

"This kind of behavior is not allowed in my class, Get out" he ordered.

And she reluctantly went out definitely cursing in her head.

Mr. Smith is so strict that he didn't even spare the principal's daughter.

"ughhhhhh it's all my fault" when the class was over I went out and saw nia leaning against the wall.

"nia why did you do that?" I asked and hugged her.

" Okay okay, I just saved your ass that's it... You don't have to be so emotional" she winked and I laughed.

" c'mon let's get in," she said.

" I'll just be back from the washroom"

I said and she nodded.

"hey, Maria...." she called.


"please change your ringtone, it's so cringy " she scrunched her nose.

"I will" and I laughed.

I went to the washroom and looked in the mirror. What did I do to get a wonderful friend like her? I asked myself.

" maybe something great," the inner me said.

I still remember the day when I first met her. It's still fresh on my heart.
Back then I used to think that she is a mean bitch, but I was completely wrong about her. Actually why me, everyone would think that. After all, she is our Princi's daughter.
Once we had a fight about "who'll sit in the first bench" and she ordered me to move but I didn't listen and she threatened me that she would complain about me to her father. I used to hate her. One day I got hurt and she helped me to stand up on my feet. No one came out to help only she came But things started to change when we started hanging out. I started spending a lot of time with her and that's when I got to know that she is not that person who she looks from outside. The inner her is much better. And in grade 6 and 7 she started to behave distantly... Maybe she was depressed I didn't know. And from grade 8 we actually started liking each other and we ended up being best friends. Yh like seriously. She taught me to love myself to live and to laugh. Maybe she is a little bit weird but I love her the way she is.
She is sexy, beautiful, funny, carefree, and loyal ofc.

She has an 'I don't give a fuck' attitude. But if it's about me then she is always ready to kick some asses. She is my bodyguard. Hahaha. Always there to protect me. According to her, I can't protect myself. ( Very funny.) Now I can't even imagine my life without her. She is a part of my life.

I didn't even realize that my second period was already over. Wow!!!!! I almost bunked my class. Actually, I did.
I'm not of a Bunk person though.

And a very important thing about Nia is she is super clumsy. I'm the total opposite of her. Gosh!!! I just wonder how will her future husband handle her.

I went to the class and saw Nia waiting for me.

"are you okay?" she asked.

"well, I should be the one asking this. Are you okay?".

"yah I'm find Maria. I just wonder how can this bald's family tolerate him. Uffffff. " I laughed at her comment.

The next period started and soon it came to an end. After 4 fucking classes it was finally our tiffin break.

Ayesha started talking about the new sir in our school I didn't even bother to listen.

" do you guys know that our new Arabic sir is really hot??"Ayesha said.

" omg seriously??!? "Hala asked.

" yh... But there are rumors that he is engaged. " Ayesha rolled her eyes.

" These girls are really funny, "Nia said.

" sure they are "Lisa added. And I just stared at them.

" Maria are you okay?" Lisa asked.

" yea,h I'm fine."

Soon the day came to an end I thought of inviting Lisa too.

" come na plz we'll have so much fun," Nia said.

" yh plz come, Lisa, just one day "I added."

"Okay but let me just ask my mom" and we nodded.

Soon she gave us a thumbs up. That means yes. Our bus dropped us and as the first day after vacation, everybody was so energetic unlike in the morning.

We went home and nia rushed to the kitchen and hugged Emma. I just rolled my eyes. Lisa greeted and I went to take a shower. They were resting in my room and Emma was preparing our lunch.

" Netflix food and us. Perfect combination na?" nia asked.

" yh obviously," I said.

I kept my hair open. Cause it was wet.

" omg!!! Maria how can you handle such long hair?!?!" Nia asked almost shouted.

" I'm used to it," I said and she rolled her eyes.

" long and silky straight hair is cool unlike yours Nia" Lisa commented and we both laughed.

"shut up bitches. I love my curls." and she joined us.

We three are a squad and the whole university knows about it. I mean we are quite famous I don't know why. Lisa is a sweet girl and is really disciplined. And she is a topper in our grade. Ammu always gives me her example. I don't know why. Actually, every mother wants that. But I won't do that with my kids for sure.

This is my second chapter and I hope you like it
Shine the star on your left love u all!!! And all the silent readers plz vote that motivates me to write...

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