Ch 51 : I Bloody Love You

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I know you guys have waited a lot, I apologize for that, I'm sorry.

Zain's POV

I rushed to Zoya's room, stood outside of it, panting. That's when a nurse came to me running.

"Sir, there are 70% chances that your sister can wake up anytime soon" she said.

"Are you serious! I mean yeah, can I see her?" I asked, a little nervous.

"unfortunately not now sir, you have to wait" she said.

"Okay, no problem, can I see doctor fatura?"

"yeah sure"

"Zain" I heard Maria's cracked voice from behind.

"Maria?" I asked.

"Is everything alright? Is Zoya... Okay?" she became nervous at the end.

I hugged her tightly " the nurse said she is going to wake up, I cannot believe this, nearly five years Maria, five years, I have waited to see her walk, talk"

"I'm happy for you" she spoke softly. Her eyes were a bit watery. Now I regret leaving her just like that. Ignoring her surprise.

"I'm sorry for -"

"no no don't be, I understand, Zoya is important, we can have dinners later"

I took a seat on the silver benches making a creaking sound. And she did too. She kept her hand on top of mine, it was warm. Soon she kept her head on my shoulder.

"you really love her, don't you?" she asked.

"very, you know what Maria, back then I used to tell her that I hate her, I don't care for her, she was such a horrible sister, we used to fight every day, but when she went in a coma, I actually understood what it felt like to have a sister. She was my soul mate, my buddy, she would help me in everything. I really miss her a lot. "

" I know " she breathed. " she'll be fine"

"In Shah Allah"

"In Shah Allah"


** 1 week later**

Maria's POV

Mama, baba came to see Zoya. But I insisted them to leave because both of them were sleep depriven.

"Maria go home, I'm here" zain said handing me my 4th coffee of the day.

"no I'll stay, you go"

"let both of us stay" he said.

It's 1 am and Thursday, normally Thursdays are my movie nights, and I always thought it would be the same, but never have I ever thought of spending my Thursday in a hospital, and the fact, someone really close to me is sick.

"Do you need anything?" Zain offered. He has been nothing but sweet, the last time he was angry at me, was when we were in Paris. But that was just an argument, nothing else. Alisha was right. He is not what he appears to be. He is a nice human being. Way to sweet man!

"Hey!" he snapped his fingers.

"no thanks"

He kept his head on my lap, I looked around to see if anyone was around, and luckily the corridor was empty. He yawned and jerked his body to keep himself awake.

"you can go to sleep" I said caressing his hair.

"hmm" he closed his eyes and sighed.

After somewhat 20 mins I could say he was actually in deep sleep. I also kept my head back on the wall, staring at the ceiling.

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