Ch 45 : I Know You Love Me

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Maria's POV

I dried my hair using the towel while standing in front of the mirror.

"so, Nia plays hockey huh?" out of nowhere Zain asks me this question. And I raised my eyebrows.

"Why are you asking this?"

"umm, because I found this, does it look familiar?" he asked showing the hockey I used earlier today.

"where did you get it?" I tried to snatch it away from him, but he is smart. He wouldn't let me touch it. And I'm shorter than him, so I can't even get to his level.

"I have my sources and that's none of your business, so answer my question"

"answer what?"

"Why did you do all of this?" he asked.

"what did I do?" I tried my best to not fall in his trap.

"do you know those where Vanessa's car?" he asked coming closer. And my mouth a gaped.

"so you know everything Huh? So you should also know that I broke her cars, I punched your beautiful Vini and now she is probably in a hospital bandaging herself. Now what Will you do kick me out again, huh? " I said fury burning in me.

"Maria I - " he said calmly.

"or will you punish me?"

" Maria listen to me "

" what?"

"I didn't know my wife was so aggressive and I'm quite impressed" he said and held me in his arms. My hands-on his chest, separating mine from his.

"uh - how?" for some reason even I wanted him to touch me. I wanted him to hold me like this forever.

"First, I already told you that's none of your business and second she is not my Vini, and next time don't do anything foolish like this " he said the last word scrunching his nose.

"fine then leave" I stepped on his toe and he backed off and groaned.

"alqarf (shit) Maria?!? " he yelled and I stormed out of the room to hide from him.


It's been 3 hours since he left and still didn't come home. Was he mad at me? Oh, shit not again. I dialed his number, first, he didn't pick and now his phone is switched off.

I dialed Tony's number and he picked in one ring.

"Hey Maria" he excitedly said as usual.

"assalamualaikum" I greeted.

"walaikum assalm" he said in a sing-song tone.

"ah actually can you please call Zain and tell him to pick my phone" I said crossing my fingers.

"ahm, Maria he is with me" he said and his enthusiasm died.


"do you want me to hand him the phone?" he asked.

"yeah please put him on the line."


I heard footsteps, then a bit of argument which I couldn't understand. Now I regret it. He doesn't want to talk to me.

Zain's POV

"Zain?" Tony called my name from the other room.

"what?" I yelled.

"Maria is on the line, talk to her"

"tell her that Zain is dead"

"of course not, I won't lie to her" he said folding his hands over his chest.

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