Ch 22: Flight

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Maria's POV

I woke up because of the sound of something falling. I took a look at the door but it was closed. I sat there for a while for him to open the door.

How my life took a 360-degree turn! Everything turned upside down!

Finally, the door opened and he came out wearing his suit. He didn't even look at me. He treated me like garbage. I stood on my feet staring at him, while his back was facing me. I watched him until he disappeared. I went into the room and it was a huge mess. I had to clean all this before anyone sees. First I brushed, showered then cleaned the room. Now, I had to call someone to fix the dressing table.

I went to the dining area and got to know that he already left. When I went to the kitchen I saw that Maliha was washing the dishes, and aa'amti Hanifa was cutting vegetables.

"where is mama?" I asked.

"She is in her room, she was having a headache, so I told her to rest." ma'am Hanifa said.

"and baba?"

"he went out for some work." ma'am Hanifa said being not sure.

"and Ashar went to school and Alisha went to her college." ma'am Hanifa told before I asked her where they were.

"oh, okay"

"can I help you?"

" no, we will manage. What do you want for breakfast?" Maliha asked.

" you don't bother, I'll make my breakfast."

I made my coffee and sandwich. I finished my breakfast and went to see mama.

"may I come in?" I asked her and she nodded. I found her laying on the bed.

"Mama are you okay?"I asked going near.

"I don't know habibti, from morning onwards my head is pounding"

" do you need anything? Should I call the doctor?" I said taking a seat by the edge of her bed.

" no. I already took a painkiller. I'll be fine by noon."

" If you need help, just call me. And don't worry about cooking and cleaning. I'll do it"

I wanted to ask her about Zain but it was not the right time.

" do you need anything?" mama asked.

" no. You rest" I covered her with the blanket.

I went down and helped aa'amti Hanifa to cook. I also told another maid to fix the mirror.

It was now time for Ashar and Alisha to come home. I went to call mama, and now she was fine. I was sitting on the sofas which faced the door.

" Assalamualaikum" Alisha greeted.

"walaikuk Assalam." I greeted back. " how was your day?" I added.

" It was good." she said coming to the kitchen after me. she sat on the counter and took a bite from the apple that was in a bowl placed on the counter.

"Why are your eyes red?" she asked giving me a suspicious look.

"I uh I couldn't get much sleep yesterday," I told her without meeting her gaze. I started stirring the rice.

" oh oo la la! So, is it a boy or a girl? "

"Sorry what?" It took me a good 10 seconds to understand what she was referring to. It was quite obvious because she was having an evil smirk on her face.

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