Ch 32 : Misunderstandings

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Maria's POV

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't cry. He doesn't mean it. He is just a bit angry.

I straightly went up to my room and locked myself in the bathroom.

His words surely hurt a lot. But I don't take them seriously.

I need to get some evidence. But how?

I turned on the shower and sat under it, with my clothes on.  The only thing I do, when I want to cry. Because if you're under the shower you don't have to wipe out your tears. I laughed at my stupid discovery.

After somewhat 20 mins I came out and changed into other clothes. I decided not to talk to him, after what he did.

C'mon he will always hurt me and I'll just ignore. This is too much.

I prayed Maghrib and went down to help Maliha in cooking.

After making the dinner I walked up to Mama's room.

She let me in and I talked to her about Zain. And she told me how Zain and Zoya used to irritate mama. For some reason, even I thought that it was all my fault.

I wished I never went to school that day, I wished I never complained about Brittany, I wished I never had met Zoya.

So many regrets.

But accident happens, It could have happened with someone else too, right?

I was going to my room when Maliha called me. I turned back and saw that she was panting.

"what happened?" I asked gesturing her to calm down.

"sir has told me to inform you that he wants you to send his dinner in his study, and also arrange dinner for his secretary." she said giving me a smile.

"Ok, I'll send them" I went back to the kitchen and looked at the clock. It was time for Zain to do his dinner, so I made his dinner ready.

I was filling the glass of water and that's when Alisha bow chased me from behind.

"oh God Alisha, you scared me to death" I said keeping the glass down.

"I'm sorry" she apologized holding her ears and biting her tongue.

"what are you doing ?" she asked.

"taking dinner for your brother and his secretary." I stated.

"that is bitch is home?!?" she asked.

"keep it down" I said.

"why? Who gave her permission to enter my house?" she said perambulating.

"who are you talking about?"

"kinzaaa!!" she said in a duh tone

"kinza who?" I asked confused.

"the secretary" she said.

"oh" I said looking down and thinking why is she behaving like this.

"so, what's wrong?" I asked.

"you won't like her, neither do I" she said.

"you can't say that about anyone without meeting him or her"

"aha haha, OK go ahead, go meet her, she is like that another bitch in high school." she joked about it.

"Alisha, I have work to do, bye"

"remember you are zain's wife, she is just an unco" she said pointing her finger at me.

"OK mom" I said and walked up to his study.

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