Ch 8 : Our Spot

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Maria's POV

It's been almost a week since I saw him last. Wait why am I even thinking about him!!?! Shit Maria gets him out of your fucking head.

"Maria?" Ammu called.

"Hmm, what?"

"Nia is on the landline. Where is your phone?"Ammu yelled.

" my phone! Oh, shit the battery! Allah, what's wrong with me? "

" hurry up Maria. The onions will burn now, then don't ask why the food is so bitter. "

" yeah yeah wait a sec "

I ran to her. She handed me the phone and left.

"bruh where is your phone?" Nia scolded from the other end.

" so sorry Nia so sorry, I mean my phone uh the battery is down " I explained.

" what? Your phone's battery is down? Yours? How come? Your phone is always above 90 % right? "she bombarded.

" calm down. It happens OK. I'm a human too. I don't know what's wrong with me? I just feel a bit low "I sighed.

" are you okay? " she asked. I could sense concern in her voice.

" I don't know. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen. Like really bad, Nia I'm scared " I was on the verge of crying.

" hey hey shush. It's OK Maria. Sometimes we feel like that. Nothing bad will happen In Shah Allah. Have faith in him. OK? And are you crying?"

" no, I'm not. I'm just overwhelmed. I wanna meet you? Are you free? "I asked crossing my fingers.

" of course. Do you even have to ask!!! Our spot at 5? "she asked. I giggled. She can always bring a smile on my face.

" yeah see you soon. " I excitedly said.

" did you do the assignments? "she asked.

" yeah didn't you complete them? "I asked.

" no I have to " she groaned.

" it's OK I'll help you "

" aww Maria I love you "

" I love you too OK bye now I gotta go "

" bye," She said. And we hung up.

I charged my phone and was scrolling through insta. I saw some memes and posts and I liked them. I was bored. I thought of taking a walk.
I wore my hoodie and tied my hair then covered it with a black hijab. Sprayed my signature perfume. Applied a bit of mascara and lipstick and then I took my stuff.

"Ammu I'm leaving," I said to my mom.

"where are you going?" she asked.

" I'm going to take a walk and I have to meet Nia and discuss our assignments." I said.

" saif will drop you. Wait I'll call him."

" no ammu I'll go on my own. Plz, I'm not a child anymore" I said furiously.

" What is wrong with you? Is that a way to talk to your mother?" she asked angrily.

" Ammu please try and understand. I just need some time alone. Please. I don't need anyone. Let me be alone for once." I explained and she sighed.

"fine drive safely and be home before 10. Is it clear?" she said.

"I'll be back before 9. Don't worry." I assured her.

I took my car keys. Watched my self in the mirror. Satisfied with my look and then I left.

I waited for the elevators. For a sec I thought I'll see him. But It was someone else. a cute little boy. I got a text from Nia that she wants me to pick her up . So I thought of not taking any walk and directly went to her.

I started the engine and drove to her place. She lives nearby not that near . If I walk then it will take forever because I'm slow. I'm not of a walking person and I mostly travel by car that's the reason why my friends call me a spoiled brat. but if I take the car then it only takes 10 mins.

I was waiting for her. Now she was taking forever. I called her multiple times but whenever she picks up she's like I'm on my way. Like bruh seriously? For the last 20 mins, she is on her way. Hilarious. I'm right down her building. I called her once again.

" where are you?" I shouted.

"on my way Maria," she yelled back.

"don't you give me that shit. I'm right down your building. I'm coming open the doors" I commanded.

"yeah OK," she sounded excited. I hung up.

Ringggg!! Ringggg!

Her doorbell rang. She opens the door and invites me in.

I saw aunty and I greeted and hugged her.

"Assalamualaikum aunty how are you?" I greeted.

"walaikumassalm" she greeted back. Her motherly hug is always soothing. I love aunty.

" Hi, Maria" Nia's elder sister said.

"hey amreen apu! How are you?" I hugged her too.

"I'm fine. It's been ages since I saw you last. Engineering is hard." she sighed.

" I understand. It's really nice to meet you. When did you come? " I asked.

"morning," she said.

"oh" I was wondering why Nia didn't tell me anything.

"you both sit I'll bake some cookies and make pudding for Maria. You love it, don't you?" aunty asked.

" Yeah" my mouth watered.

Nia dragged me to her room. I just lay in her bed. She lays by my side.

"you okay?" she asked.

" maybe, maybe not" I giggled.

" Are you drunk?" she joked.

" nahhh. I'm just high" one look at her and we both burst out laughing.

" let's go" she said

"yeah let me see your father," I said before leaving.

"Why do you call my father sir? Just call him uncle." she irritatingly said.

"but he is our principal" I said.

"principal at school not here."

" I know, but it's my habit," I said.

"yeah yeah whatever." she sighed.

I greeted sir aka my uncle and we both left.

I drove to the beach and we both got some food and sat there. The cool breezes actually made me calm.

Hey! Let me know what you think about this chapter. Thanks to each and everyone for voting and commenting. Exams start in November but I'll still try to write.

*hands you a chocolate bar *

Guys vote and comment and shower me with your love. See you soon.

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