Ch9: Mr. Workaholic

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Zain's POV

"get me my black coffee, no sugar, no cream. Is it clear?" I said to my assistant.

"yes sir." she hesitantly nodded. I don't understand why they are so scared of me. Maybe it's because I already fired five employees today.

Gosh, she is still in my mind.
I decided to call my best friend aka my brother from another mother.

"yo bro, I thought you're dead." Tony said on the other end.

"shut up! Can't I even call my best friend?" I annoyingly said.

"what do you want Mr. Ibrahim Zain Qureshi ?"

"look we both know that you are really experienced in your work. You're a really good detective. "I started.

" Aha, stop joking, how can I help you?"

" come in my office 20 mins," I said.

" dude, don't you order me. I'm your best friend, not you scared employee, I'll take my time " he ended the call.

Fuck man. Why am I even friends with him? Cause I'm an idiot.

1 hour later

" oh hey, Mr. Workaholic? " Tony saluted.

"Look who's here?" I rolled my eyes.

"I already said I'll take my time."

"yah whatever" I said.

"working hard huh? I'm proud of you my boy" he joked.

"fuck off"

"by the way, why were all the staffs so nervous when I was asking about your cabin?" he raised an eyebrow.

"well, its because I fired some of them" I gave a boring look.

"what why? On your first day???!! Who does that? I mean just like that?" he bombarded.

"whoa hold on! The first day so what?? Firstly I saw two people making out like seriously who does that?? that too in an office, secondly, my cabin was not the way I wanted, thirdly my coffee...they can't even make it properly, no sugar, no cream, is it too much to ask?" I finished furiously.

"so you fired them?" I asked again.

"Yeah I guess I did"

" man. Thank God I'm not you're employee haha "

"The reason why you are here is that I need some information about this girl" I placed her picture on the table.

"whoa, since when are you a stalker." he pressed his lips together.

"shut up tony, Information now"

"fine but not now, is it OK if I get 3 hours?" he begged.

"fine 3 hours" I pointed at the clock. "and your time starts now." with that I left.


I was working on my laptop when suddenly my phone rang. It was from Tony.

"dude I got her information. Her name is Maria Rahman. She is 20 years old. She has 2 siblings, one brother, and one sister. She lives with her parents in airport road, Abu Dhabi." he proudly stated.

He told me everything about her. Her past. Her family. Her friends and almost everything. That shocked me. The past that was haunting me from my childhood was back. It took years to heal and I once again feel my wounds fresh. Anger arose in me. I was furious. I thought the time stopped. Or to be exact everything was moving in slow motion. My old memories rushed back. Blood. Hospital. Doctors. Screams. Tears. Everything was back. I was flabbergasted.

"Zain are you there?" tony broke my chain of thoughts.

"Are you sure all you're saying about her is right?"

"yes 200% my sources are never wrong"

I immediately cut the call. I drove back home. I rushed to my room and started punching the walls. My knuckles were bleeding now. But I didn't feel the pain. The more I hurt myself the more I got pleasure. I never thought my past would once again knock my door. I saw myself in the mirror. I looked miserable. I took the vase and threw that in the mirror. the glass was shattered into pieces. Everything was lying here and there.
I heard a knock on my door.

"Zain Habibi, Hal anta bikhair? (dear are you okay). What was that sound??? " mama said.

"mafi Shi (nothing), I'm fine just go away! Leave me alone" I yelled back.

"let me in son, what is wrong with you? Tell me? I'll help you" She pleaded.

" la roh yallah roh (no go cmon go) leave me, please. Just leave me alone."

"Zain, if you don't open I'll break the doors with the help of the servants. Let me in Zain now" she won't listen to me.

So I let her in. I opened the door. And she was shocked to see me in a gruesome state. She saw my bleeding hands. She was about to cry seeing me like this. But she hugged me.

"ya Allah, what have you done? Ma hadta (what is this?)." she sounded hurt.

"I don't know, I'm miserable. I'm clueless. I don't think my existence on this earth makes a difference. I can't do anything for her. I miss her so much." I cried.

"shush, don't you ever say that again? what do you think I don't miss her. I'm also a mother. I also feel my children's pain. That was an accident. we cannot change what's written in our destiny. Our past is gone. It cannot change Habibi. But the doctors said that she can recover. We have to support her. If we break down, then who will take care of her. Be strong okay? Have faith in Allah " she cried too.

" yeah," I nodded.

" come on, go change then I'll send someone to clean your room. "

I went to the bathroom. I turned on the shower. The blood was dripping from my body. The white floor was now red because of my blood. The hot water was touching my skin and it was making the body ache. I thought about everything. Deeply.

I'm going to turn her life a living hell.
You have to pay for what you did Maria Rahman, you have to pay.

OH my God! Anger anger anger! There is a story behind his anger. Read further to know. Poor Maria. Let's see what happens to her. Well, I already know hehe.

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