Ch 47: Precious Night

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Zain's POV

My wife peacefully slept on my chest. My hands wrapped around her, our bodies covered with the blanket. I smiled seeing hickey marks on her neck, and my back and chest had her nail marks. I enjoyed this night. But what I did was it right? I played with her feelings. I played with her innocence.

It was almost time for me to wake up so I placed her head carefully on the pillow. I saw her making an irritating face, but it soon went back to normal.

I went to the washroom and stood under the shower. The water dripping down made my body stiffer every second. My body grew rigid.

I came out wearing a towel and soon changed into my blue tux. After wearing the watch and taking my phone I gave a quick glance at my wife. I hurried to the ground floor, but on my way, I thought of making her breakfast, as he would be really weak, because of me.

After making the breakfast I placed the tray carefully on the bedside table and left a note for her.

I kissed her forehead one last time and she smiled widely.

Is she seeing a dream?

I got into my car and drove to my office.

I just wanted to keep myself occupied. I wanted to divert my mind from her. She is like a drug to me. Always on my mind. There is something undeniably tragic falling in love with someone who isn't right for you.

Love is a funny thing. I find it almost impossible to explain why or how I know I'm in love with someone. Usually, I just... know. I also know, though, that if your partner asks why you love them and you say because you just do, they're probably going to give you the cold shoulder for the rest of the day. Oops! Since I'm absolutely terrible at this, I wanted to know exactly how it feels when guys fall in love.

I like that quote. I don't know where from, but it says, 'Falling in love is like falling asleep, slowly at first and then all at once.'

It feels like you've finally found the person who you would put their happiness above your own.

It's like when things stop feeling monochromatic even if it's just for a flicker in time. It's like a longing to see only that person after an arduous day, just for solace, just because being in their presence is comforting. It's when things stop being an option and become a priority.

Now I question myself ' was I even in love with Vanessa?'

Because what I feel about Maria is definitely love.

Maria's POV

I stretched out my hand on the bed, but the bed was empty. I opened my one eye then both. I sat in an upright position and looked around, but who I was looking for I couldn't see him. My husband.

Where did he go? Did he not like what we had?

Suddenly it felt like someone stabbed my chest. My stomach felt empty, and the soreness inside hurt like hell.

Why does he always do this?

I wiped my tears and started to get out of the bed and that's when I noticed the food tray on the table. There was a note which says 'take care' with a smiley. My heart leaped up to joy. The mixture of happiness and sadness was insane.

I was madly in love with him, his absence was unbearable.

Falling in love can be a powerful, life-changing thing. In those early days of romance, you'll literally act differently, think differently, and sometimes even dress or talk differently. But how love affects the brain is one of the most interesting, and mysterious parts of falling hard. It can be so intense that it's actually possible to see certain areas of the brain lighting up on brain scans.

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