Ch 56 : His Scent

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Zain's POV

I am a very straightforward person. When I am in a relationship, if I say something, it will never be related to the person’s background.

Days flew quickly and I started falling more deeply in love with her. I was in a dilemma and did not know which to choose – destiny or love.

My family now started cursing me for the situation that I had created for them.

I was so happy that she was finally going to meet me.

I want to have the comfort of lovingly kissing and caressing her bare arms while sitting on a couch. I can’t wait to see her because I miss everything we do together.

My body misses that warmness it feels when I had her in my arms. I miss the feeling of passion as I feel her face, stare into her beautiful eyes, and tenderly kissing her. I can’t wait to be with her.

My heart longs to be filled with joy by her smile, and my heart wants my love, respect, and adoration to flow to her as I gently kiss her hands. She is just amazing.

A day never ends without a thought of her. A moment never passes by without my heart reminding me of how much she means to me. I can’t wait to see her again.

"Why are you so happy?" Ashar asked throwing his bag on the couch.

"why? can I not be?" I raised my eyebrows.

"hmm... So when is Maria coming back, I need her help, can I call her?" he asked.

"yeah you can" I said more like asked.

"uh... Okay"

Maria's POV

Nausea is the awful, queasy feeling you get in your stomach that makes you feel like you’re going to vomit. And that's what I'm feeling right now. I don't know why.

Anxiety is an emotion linked to several mental health disorders. When people think of anxiety, often they think of worrying and stress. They think of fears and a feeling as though something is going to go wrong. Anxiety is seen in thoughts and behaviors.

"Are you okay?" Nia asked handing me the lemonade.

"I don't know, my head spins, I feel like puking, nothing gets inside my stomach, Ya Allah" I mumbled.

"Maybe a weakness?"

"Maybe" I murmured. I kept my hand on my forehead, Soughing. 

"When was your last period?" She implored and examined my face.

"Uhh..why are you asking?" I questioned.

"Just tell me no " she urged.

"Uhm...I don't know, let me check " I scanned through my phone, analyzing the calendar.

"Yeah " she came to my side.

"What the -" I gasped.

"What?" She yelled out.

"I missed my date " I throbbed.

"Wait what?" She shrieked.

"Yes" I squirmed.

"Are you -" she started.

"Pregnant?" I muttered.

"Oh my gosh! Yay! You're pregnant" she cried and yelled in happiness and joy. " what happened?" She inquired.

"I'm pregnant? am I?" I shuddered.

"You should be happy about it!" She shook me.

"How can I? Knowing that zain and I are not together" I screamed.

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