Ch28 : Drugged

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Zain's POV

When I looked at Maria, I saw that she was searching for a drink. A waiter came to me and handed me a drink, so I gave it to Maria.

"I don't drink" she said.

"This is non-alcoholic"

"thanks" she said and she drank it in one gulp.

My phone rang and I went to the washroom so that I could talk peacefully.

"kinza, you take care of the meeting. I won't come today." I said over the phone.

"Okay sir" she said and we cut the call.

I looked at myself in the mirror and started fixing my hair.

"Mission accomplished, I have added drugs in his drink, then we can take him" a really creepy voice said from one of the toilets.

"Mr. Qureshi would pass out at any moment, keep the van ready" they were talking about me. I went near the place the voice was coming from and knocked on the door.

"hey! Who is it? Come out" I yelled but no voice was coming.

"come out" I yelled again, still nothing came out.

The doorknob twisted and the occupied was replaced by vacant. He came out in order to punch me, but I was quick. I punched his nose, then I intertwined my right leg with that man's left leg shortly pulling it off the ground. As a result, he lost his balance and fell on the floor.

"Who are you? Who sent you? And What did you add in my drink?" I asked gripping his collar.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I'm just obeying my orders. I was told to drug you and give a high amount of alcohol. The drink that the waiter gave to you, it was Drugged." he said nervously.

"you what? Do you want to die?" I yelled at him and punched him again.

The guys stood up and put his hands up in defeat."I'm sorry, please don't hurt me anymore."

"Who told you to do it?" I asked placing another punch.

"Mr wood and Ms. Vanessa" he said wiping the blood that was coming from his nose.

Vanessa you will so regret messing with me. And that bloody bastard I gotta teach him a lesson.

"what? I'm coming for you guys" but before I could say anything else he pushed me and ran away.

"hey!" I shouted but of no use.

Thank God I didn't drink it. I gave it to
....... Oh, shit Maria.

As soon as I realized that Maria drank that Drugged drink I went out and searched for her. But I couldn't see her anywhere. I spotted Alisha and asked her.

" where is Maria?" I asked her in a hurry.

"there she is-" she said pointing at the seat in the corner but went silent because she wasn't there.

"Alisha where is she?" I yelled.

"I don't know, she was here somewhere. Calm down Zain she is not a kid. She is somewhere here only" she said calming me.

"Alisha you don't know! I told you to keep an eye on her" I yelled again.

"Zain why are you behaving like this? What happened? Is everything alright?"

"no" I said and went to search Maria. Alisha called my name multiple times but I couldn't look back now. I don't have the time. I looked for Mr. Wood as well, even he was missing.

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