Chapter 18

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"Yoongi honey, stop being so slow. We don't have all day and I have a meeting later in 4hours time so can you hurry up? I didn't teach you to be so slow." This was the time is money attitude his mother shows him.

"Yes mom. I'm just going to return the cart." Yoongi was going to push it back.

"If you're pushing it back then you can go home yourself. I don't have any time to waste on useless things like returning a cart."

Yoongi had no choice. He sighed and left the cart, entering the passenger seat beside the driver. He rather sit at the front than with his parents at the back. His father hasn't even spoken a word to him.

He was simply too busy on his phone.

This family isn't even a family.

"Yoongi, I want you to bring Mr Kim's daughter, Mr Lee's daughter, Mr Song's daughter for a date. One on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. You can't back out, I had already promised them." His father finally spoke up but not about the topic he wants to hear.

This is so like his parents, deciding on every thing without his consent.

"We will credit $10000 for each of your dates so you better treat the girls right." His mother followed after. He wasn't too keen on going on dates with people he didn't really know. It wasn't his type of thing, but he cant say no to his parents.

Yoongi just sighed and looked in front of him. It was currently reaching 6am in the morning with barely any sleep and he still has to go to school.

The sky was starting to lighten up by the sun that was peaking out the horizon.

"Yoongi, don't go to school, help us unpack." As demanding as ever.

"I have a test today so I have to turn up." Yoongi tried to keep his tone as low as possible.


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