Chapter 37

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"Mother, Father, I want you to meet my boyfriend, Park Jimin." Yoongi pretty much announced since he was on stage and was loud.

Gasps and whispering were heard after that. Everyone was shocked. They came here knowing Yoongi was single but now suddenly he says he has a boyfriend. That was a turn of events.

Yoongi stood tall and the other boys backed him up, Jimin stand timidly beside Yoongi. It feels so small being pretty much having all eyes on him. The eyes in front of him being the worse.

It felt like they were cursing him and all without any words spoken, it could be felt.

"Stop looking at my boyfriend like that mum and dad. I hope you respect my decision." It is the first time Yoongi stood up to his parents.

"Yoongi, I wish to talk to you in private." It was the first time Yoongi's father had spoken in such a tone to Yoongi.

"We can talk in front of the guests." He knew that his father was near breaking point. He just waited for the time, for the world to see his parents' true colours.

No one said the journey was easy and tonight will be the start of that rocky road with his parents being so forceful.

"You will marry any person here but not him. You will obey me and do as I say. Your mother gave birth to you for a condition, not because we wanted you." Those harsh words hit Yoongi hard in his heart.

You could hear many parents gasping and keeping their daughters and sons away from the monster they see before them, Yoongi's father.

"We wont allow our children to suffer in the hands of their father-in-law. We are leaving." Many families left after the first family walked out those doors.

"No it isn't this way! Those are just words of anger not the truth." Yoongi's mum pleaded but none stayed.

"Yoongi, see what you have done." He was scolded again.

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