Chapter Sixty Nine | GilbertXConcern

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Gilbert was back?

Was he really?

I scrambled to my feet, nearly tripping over Elizabetta.

She watched me with a smile as I ran in through the open door.

The house was swarmed with familiar and unfamiliar faces but I was only looking for one.

Antonio and Francis had their arms wrapped around someone, tearfully smiling.

Was it him?

It had to be?

They saw me and parted from the man.

From Gilbert.

"Gilbert!" I screamed, my eyes were watering and I shoved my way past the others and jumped into his arms.

I squeezed him in a hug with all my Might.


He didn't hug me back.

I looked up at his face and it was contorted, he looked disgusted almost.

"...Gil?" I asked, my voice cracking.

Francis glared daggers at Gilbert and Antonio pulled me away and into his chest.

"Ignore him, Chica, he's in a mood," Antonio advised.


"I know, Chica, I know. Let's just enjoy the party and we can deal with him later," Antonio is advised. He leaned in, whispering, "for Francis."

I nodded and sniffed, my nose a little runny.

I think if hearts could actually shatter, could really break, then mine was.

Francis walked around talking to the people who were already there. I stood with Antonio and he pointed out to me who was already there, that I did and didn't know.

The Italian broths, Sebastian, Lovino, and Feliciano. The Nordic friends, Mathias, Emil, Berwald, Tino and Lukas. The "soviets", Ivan, Yekaterina, Natalia, Toris, Feliks, Raivis and Eduard. The Brits, Arthur, Connor, Dylan, Seamus, and Allistor. Then, of course, Michelle, Lucille, and Phillip.

With a knock on the door, Elizabetta excitedly greeted her close "friend" Roderick, behind him followed Zach, Lily and a few I didn't really remember.

I tugged on Antonio's sleeve and his eyes lit up, "oh! Emma, Abel, and Lux," he breathed out excitedly and he ran to hug the three, leaving me by the kitchen cabinets alone.

I nervously shifted back and forth, I held onto my arm like a shield and shifted away from the crowd slowly until I felt a clap on the back and spun around.

"Hey, if it isn't ___!" The loud American 'greeted'.

"Oh-hey Mr. Jones-" he was still my boss after all.

"Nonsense, call my Alfred, you'll make me feel old," he laughed.

But isn't he like three hundred?

Antonio rushed back to my side so I wouldn't be alone with Alfred, who he clearly didn't trust.

Gilbert's tension eased and his eyes lit up with relief and joy when Elizabetta came to join him. He held her in his arms and lay his head atop hers, completely at ease.

I could hear the crack in my heart.

I could feel my eyes getting wetter.

Antonio spun me around away from seeing the two of them and he leaned in for a long kiss which I reciprocated. I felt like I was being watched, like fire on the back of my neck, the hairs raising up in alarm and I tried to ignore it but it was becoming uncomfortable.

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