Chapter Fifty Nine | RevalationsXRelations

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"So can you maybe elaborate on Gilbert not being the only red vampire?" I managed to break the silence.

Francis seemed guilty and Antonio seemed a little angry Francis hadn't said something sooner.

"It was only a theory I 'ad. Zhe vampire who turned mwa had fully red eyes like Gilbert. Kuro when he got angry his eyes were nearly completely red and Allen his eyes are always red even when he tries to hide them with a human eye color."

"Then what do you mean Gilbert was made an example?" Antonio asked anxiously.

"Ever since Gilbert's tragedy, vampires have been careful who they turn and when, they've been careful to hide their more monstrous instincts and vampires with severe venom like Gilbert's have stuck to the shadows in fear about becoming a scary legend or a warning like he has. In fact, I know zhe queen's eyes turn red completely I've seen it...I zhink after Gilbert vampires were afraid to act out or draw any attention to themselves. While our association knows zhat Gilbert was the feared red vampire most vampires especially the children are told he was tortured and sent to hell or some version of zhat."

"Gilbert is a horror story for vampiric children!?" I exclaimed.


No wonder he didn't want me to know. Gilbert was renowned as a monster to children and a legend and warning to others. What happened to Gilbert was an extreme case and it was made worse because it was used as a warning to others, something he couldn't escape and let die in the last because his terror is spread as a scary story to keep vampires in line...

"I know I've seen others with red eyes but I've never seen them lose themselves are you sure it's similar?"

"Venom is a sign of strength...or so says zhe queen, your venom defines you, it controls you or you control it, zhe stronger your venom zhe stronger you are but a weak mind loses itself."

"I don't know how to feel about this queen...."

"She's more a figurehead but her word is law, she just doesn't act in politics too much."

"How many queens and/or kings have there been?"

"Just her, she's the first vampire, we are all a direct result of her. Created by her creations' creations, etc." Antonio said his hand moving in circular motions summarizing a long line of vampires being created by the former new creation.

"But why are you talking about this now Francis?" Antonio asked, worriedly he held onto Francis's shoulder and Francis took his hand gently and sighed.

"I guess ever since Gil and Kuro fought the similarity between the two after Gilbert lost himself was too exact to miss..."

The atmosphere was getting a little depressing so I jumped up instead trying to find a distraction.

"Uh-Ummm..." I thought looking around the room and saw a vase of poppies.

"Wanna hear about the time I scammed a street artist out of an eight hundred-year-old African Vase?"

"You did what."


"I'm not really sure how I was high on poppy seeds and had just gotten shot in the leg-"

"Mademoiselle, we come along on all future trips understood?"

"Yeah sure okay- so I took the poppy seeds cause this was remotely rural Africa and I snuck the seeds through border control in case I got hurt and this particular place is barely even third world so if I got hurt I figured I was kind of on my own. So I got to this little village right after I stopped boating and this alligator tried to bite my leg so I had to smack it back with a paddle but I was fine. So anyway I got to the village and like there was this weird guard looking guy I guess and he had this gun that looked like it was from a war movie or something and all was fine he kinda just stared at me cause you don't really see tourists there. So this monkey comes running through the market and it steals some guys hat and this guard guy tries to shoot it so I tried to stop him and I was totally in the way I guess and my leg got shot and he freaked out and so did the monkey but it kept the hat and got away. So like they helped me hobble to my boat but the alligator was still there so I threw a pebble or something and distracted it and I towed across the river and my boat is filling up with blood and all these crazy African predators cans smell it and I swear to god there was like a buzzard flying around overhead but eventually I got to my van. Anyway in the van were my poppy seeds which I bought because I wanted to know if the opium wars were worth it and I got kinda a dizzy and I don't know I guess I sort of wandered back to the market and a barely remember an argument with an old man and I think I bribed him by pointing out one of his fellow villagers just shot me, at least that's how u guess I did it. Anyway, I woke up holding onto the old vase in a dry desert with like second-degree sunburns and when I managed to get help somehow I'd wound up in Chad. So that was my first time going to Africa."

There was dead silence and confusion and I stood there hands on hips smiling at absolutely nothing hoping I'd managed to change the topic.

"Love," Francis spoke up.


"We are getting you a leash."

"That's fair."

Antonio left the house briefly supposedly to buy a bed for me but he came back with wood planks instead and just started sawing them outside while Francis lay melancholically on the couch unmoving.

"It's your birthday let's do something fun," I insisted ignoring the sound of a buzzsaw in the backyard. Vampires wielding buzzsaws if given the chance could probably destroy the planet, might also make an odd B-Movie.

He looked up at me slowly.

"Why do you feel so guilty?"

"Antonio is upset with me...and I'll probably 'ave to tell Gilbert and 'e'll leave again because zhat's zhe only way 'e knows 'ow to deal with zhings." He said sadly.

I frowned.

"I won't let him leave, now why don't we hang out? I never get the chance to hang out with any of you one on one, especially not you." I suggested and he raised an eyebrow.

"'Onestly the only thing I could really enjoy right now is maybe cuddling..." he sighed.

I thought it over, "if you don't get out of hand I don't mind," I decided. He gave a faint forced smile.

He really did feel guilty.

"You know..."


"I love Gilbert..."

That was a little out of nowhere.

"But...I don't think 'e really knows zhat...I've tried telling 'im but 'e zhinks I'm only close to 'im because I 'ave to be..."

"You know I honestly wondered if maybe he felt that way."

"I wish I understood 'im better...I'm...I'm glad he's fallen for you."




"Huh...wha-he...huh?" I stuttered.

"Is it not obvious mon amore?"

"N-no!? I have ADHD I don't notice these things usually!"

"Well, Antonio and I are 'onestly a little jealous. You two seem to click."

"I could never choose one of you over the other? But you and Antonio are mates..."

"Oui, but we want zhat with Gilbert as well...and we all love you."

" can't love me."

He looked a little confused, the first time he'd showed any emotion but sadness since he began talking. "What do you mean?"

"You can't love me, you don't know me."

"You don't tell us anything though, 'ow can we?"

"Because I can't tell anyone. I can't be in a relationship, it won't work out I'll only get hurt-" I panicked.

He suddenly stood and embraced me, hugging me tightly to his chest.

"I will never hurt you," he breathed softly into my ear, complete sincerity in his voice, "I will always be zhere for matter what."

"There are things you'll despise about me."

"I'd never-"

A tender emotional moment was interrupted as Antonio slid the backdoor open with a slam.

"I need screws and paint."


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