Chapter Ninety Six | GilbertXElizabetta

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After falling over Eliza I ran to my room. Glaring at that Francis freak along the way.

I tore off the uncomfortable fancy clothes and threw on my underclothes, leaving my shirt off.

I was too hot and sweaty for this and I struggled to keep the bulge in my pants from getting any harder or larger.

I gripped the side of my head in agony.

What was I supposed to do?

I can't do anything to help rid the world of the demon when the only thing I can do is getting fucking hard around Eliza.

I've known she's a woman for a week and yet that doesn't bother me at all.

I can't see her as a man any more even if I wanted to.

All I can see was me lying over her, her cleavage more exposed than usual, her blushing face and legs spread apart beneath her dress.




What do I do?

I asked God for forgiveness and the only thing I could think to do is something I'd not done since puberty.

I moved my hand beneath my pants and did my best to take care of the situation myself but things only got worse when Eliza burst into my room, red-faced.

"Ack! Vhat the hell!" I immediately sat up trying to mask the fact I'd been attempting to relieve myself.

"Vhat the hell!" She spat back.

"Vhis is my room!" I hissed and she blushed and tried to leave.

"Vhat do you vant? Eliza, tell me the truth." I urged and she hit her head against the door, angry with herself before sliding the lock in place, which I suppose I'd forgotten to do.

Nervous beads of sweat fell from my forehead and I reached out in a manner meant to calm her.

"Vhat things do you think about me...?"

I sighed and decided I might as well admit this to her. If she became disgusted by me then maybe I could do my job and stop thinking about her.

"Things I shouldn't be..."

"Like vhat?" She asked impatiently.

I glared, "veally Eliza? You used to think you vere a man, did you never imagine Adela squirming beneath you, did you never imagine your tongue deep in her mouth, did you never imagine shoving your non-existent dick inside her?"

She was taken aback and shook nervously, red-faced and eyes wide with shock.

" vant to do vhat to me...Vhy?" She asked innocently.

"Because your hot as hell and ve're friends. If you don't vant it to mean anything Vhen it doesn't have to but I still vant to and it's distracting me from doing my job."

She blushed like mad and held her arms to her chest which only increased the appearance of her cleavage and I clicked my tongue and bit my lip, looking away for fear of her noticing my growing desire, but I suppose it was too late.

"The hell is your dick sticking out for?" She asked in annoyance.

"Vhat the Hell? Did you never have a sex talk?" I practically shrieked in surprise.

"Only one aimed for women, mama told me how it happens, not anything else. Is vhat supposed to happen?" She asked pointing to me curiously and I was fifty shades of red and stuttering explanations.

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