Chapter Thirty Six | ResponsibleXMissing

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That morning I'd given them all heart-attacks again.

I didn't talk about the dream I had, I told them I didn't remember it.

We spent most of the day trying to help the police on that case of the forest-killed.

Lena had a moment of silence in the police station.

People gave me glares as some really did suspect I'd killed her.

Gilbert decided it was best to leave.

I tried calling Anna all day no avail.

The sky outside was dark and the wind was ominous.

Something dangerous was on the horizon and I could feel it creeping closer.

The trio left at the house while they ran errands and called friends to get any information they could on the increasing threat of the murderer on the lose.

For once I wish they'd been helicoptering over me because the home was still and quiet and drops of water from the broken faucet were all that could be heard.

Not even the buzz of electricity could be heard.

It wasn't yet dusk when the trio returned looking frantic.

"What's wrong?"

"Anna..." Gil started.

I felt tears in my eyes and I choked back a sob, my voice broke as I pushed him for an answer, "what about Anna?"

"She's missing." Francis finished.

I felt my knees weaken.

"We're sorry we know you two got really close yesterday."

"We just clicked..." I whimpered.

"She was aura sensitive," Gilbert sad sadly, "that means she's had it rough."

"Still think your Shenck friend is innocent?" I asked the malice in my voice.

Gilbert didn't know at this point.

He stared into the distance as if finally contemplating the idea.

"It's...become suspicious," Antonio admitted.

"You think it's only just now suspicious when Anna looked fucking terrified to leave and you let her go! I said we'd be there for her!" I screamed and they restrained me.

I let my tears free and sobbed into Gilbert's shoulder.

He clung to me and the trio shared sad expressions.

"She was a sweet girl," Antonio finally said.

"Was," I choked.

"Is," Francis corrected him.

"Ve don't know if she's really dead or not," Gilbert chimes in.

"But she might be!" I sobbed.

There was a knock on the door and two girls stood there.

Not really the time for a hookup but I noticed their solemn expressions.

"Hello, ve're Anna's friends, we heard this vas the last place she was seen..can you give us any information?" The taller brunette asked and the shorter blond nodded, looking at the ground trying to hide her watery eyes.

I dried my eyes and Gilbert sat up, bringing me to my feet with them.

Francis made them tea and we sat down on the living room couches.

"Nice to see you again Marie, Hannah, I vish it vere under better circumstances." Gilbert addressed.

So these girls had hooked up before too? Of course they had, everyone in town had it seemed.

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