Chapter Ninety Nine | GilbertXFall

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I've failed.

I failed Eliza.

I failed Roderick, not that I really cared much about him.

I failed myself.

I failed the Knights.

I failed God.

Those who live by the sword shall die by it.

It wasn't the red-eyed demon who killed me.

It was the green-eyed demon called jealousy, not my own jealously but Anso's.

I've lusted.

I've been greedy.

I've cheated.

I've lied.

I've killed.

I've judged.

But God please, let me be born again. I'll fix everything. I will.

I Gilbert Beilshmidt who was meant to rise, have fallen into a sea of blood of which there is no escape.

What a meaningless death.

Hours Earlier

Green pastures for miles.

A quiet forest with birds chirping and butterflies fluttering about.

A rabbit hides in a burrow beneath a large bush, nursing its babies.

A bear leans its head out from behind a tree, sees me and leaves with its cubs in follow.

The world is awake and lively.

This isn't good.

I looked around my surroundings looking for the familiar sight of blood; for the sea of which I'd seen every night since I saw the red-eyed man but tonight I didn't.

Every night I was warned of my impending doom and yet tonight it was peaceful. Why?

I turned around and saw Eliza and for no reason at all, she slapped my face and then I woke up.

I rubbed my arm and stared at Eliza, annoying she'd smacked me.

I combed my fingers through my hair, pushing the lose strands out of my face and sighed. I reached for my shirt and pulled it over my head, then my eyes widened in shock and I whipped around to look at a terrified Eliza, only in her undergarments and I bit my inner cheek.


We fell asleep.

She shook my arm and cursed, "shit, vhat do I do?"

I held up my hands trying to urge her to stay calm and I pulled the covers away and got out of bed. I had to resist looking back at her.

Sweat clung to her body from sleeping together, skin to skin. Her breasts were tightly pushed against eachother in the way she held her arms and I bit my lip at the slightest glimpse of her tit. Did she know? Was she teasing me?

I had enough self control not to be stupid enough to stuff her with my dick but I started feeling unmanly for not acting on my urges, for not stripping her again right now.

I forced my thoughts away before I got hard and I continued to get dressed while she curled her knees up to her chest and held them tightly in worry.

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