Chapter Fifty Four | BirthdaysXPossibilities

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That morning I awoke with a start from my previous nightmare to find Francis was cuddled against me. I'd never seen him in the cuddly position, usually he was the one being cuddled but he looked childlike for a moment. Then the moment was over as Antonio kicked open the door and startled us completely awake.

"Antonio, what the f-"

"Happy day of possibility," he grinned ecstatically, making no sense to me.

"I enjoy your optimism but not this early in the morning," I complained and Francis stretched and sat up excitedly.

Antonio gave him a good morning kiss on the lips and ruffled his hair.

"I'm sorry is something happening?" I asked sleepily.

"Ci, Today is one of the days Francis might've been born," he said cheerfully.

"I'm lost."

"My village was very poor, we didn't really keep track of days and time properly or 'ave zhe means to, all I know is zhat it was around zhis time of year zhat I was born," Francis explained.

I sat straight up.

"What! You should've told me, I didn't get you anything," I panicked and they laughed at me.

"Trust me Chica last night was the best thing you could've given him." Antonio joked and I blushed.

"Unless of course tonight you want to go all zhe way?" Francis suggested mischievously and I shrunk away and got out of bed instead.

The skimpy nightgown they'd given me raised high enough to see my underwear just by stretching.

"This doesn't qualify as a dress if it's shorter than most of my shirts," I criticized looking over myself.

"Well you put it on don't blame me," Antonio joked and I gave him an exasperated glare.

"So are we doing anything to celebrate?" I asked and they exchanged looks.

" doesn't really feel right throwing a party without Gilbert," Antonio sighed sadly and Francis nodded.

"So let's call the dummy and get his ass over here, it's your sort of birthday, he better not damn miss it!" I insisted determinedly.

"We've called, I think he just needs space," Antonio dismissed.

"I-I really didn't mean to upset him..."

"We know, but it's really not your fault, it's not his either but he refuses to believe that," he explained.

I sighed and looked at the floor thinking about my poor friend.

"We should all do something to take our minds off this," Antonio sighed as he stretched.

He and Francis gave me a suggestive look and I backed into the window.

"No. No. No. No. No. Last night I had a moment of weakness, I-I really shouldn't have done that," I panicked.

Francis immediately rushed to my side trying to induce peace into my mind but my aura rejected it again.

"Zhat's understandable," taking a step back from me, "but perhaps we can something similar," he suggested.

My stupid curiosity always getting the best of me so I asked, "like what?"

Seeming happy I seemed interested Francis hugged me and I stumbled into his chest.

He laughed and ran his fingers through my hair. My hair was still a little wet as it'd only been a couple of hours since I showered.

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