Chapter One Hundred & Thirty Three | ControlXEquals

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I let go of the breath I'd been holding, and along with that breath, I let go of my hope.

I faced her seriously, "so there's no talking about this, is there? Do I have to kill you? You know, I thought maybe you could be reasoned with, but I think I've read enough of your story, Greta, and I've decided you have no place in mine. So if you really want to do this-"

She lunged at me before I could finish, and I quickly sidestepped her. She turned mid-air and landed on her feet, sliding away from me on the fallen leaves.

I turned around quickly; I could never turn my back on an enemy. Not unless I was asking for death.

"This is your last warning, ___, come back with me!"

I glared at her, "that's not the outcome you it..."

She cocked her head, feigning innocence again, "whatever could you mean by that?"

I grit my teeth, and I lunged forward. She moved to the side and elbowed me as a turned around to face her.

I recovered quickly, and my fist connected with her face. Rather than falling back, she appeared unfazed and jumped backward, standing in front of a large tree, heel against it, prepared to use it as a launch.

We met eyes and held that stare for a few seconds before lunging at each other at the same time.

I should've brought my gun. Of course, I did bring my knife, I brought it with me everywhere, but before I could reach mine, she reached hers.


She gripped it tight and lunged at me; I ducked my head to the right and just narrowly avoided the blade. She whipped around and swiped it at my throat; again, I just barely missed as I leaped back.

I used the tree behind me as a spring and threw my body at her. I knocked her to the ground, and her knife fell from her hand a few feet away from her. We both grunted as we momentarily grappled in the dirt before I found myself beneath her and tucked my knees to my chest, kicking her stomach and flinging her back into the air.

I stood up in the instant I had as she clutched her stomach. I took a step forward to elbow her temple, but she parried it and stepped back to block my other elbow as it came down to strike her jaw.

She kicked my gut and shoved me away for a moment before regaining her footing. I prepared to grapple her, but she ducked and tumbled away from me, reaching her knife. I felt mine in its concealer on my leg and quickly tried to find a way to reach it in time. All I could do was run, but I risked turning my back on her, and I got the feeling she knew how to throw that knife like a dart.

I grit my teeth, but I turned tail and ran, blocking myself from her view by tucking behind each tree until I finally reached my dagger and turned around to see her right on my tail launching a knife to my face. As I dodged it, my ear cut open and bled onto my shirt.

She turned around and, holding her knife in both hands, ran at me. I blocked her blade with mine and moved it to the side, throwing my fist out as I did so. It hit her nose, and I heard a sickening snap as she grunted and leaped several feet back to compose herself. She touched her lip as she felt the warm blood flowing down onto it. She spat out the blood that began to run into her mouth, and she gave me the most vengeful look I'd ever seen.

Honestly, all I did was snap her nose; why was she so angry. Though, to be fair, once a nose is broken, it's never quite the same.

As she charged me, I spun around and kicked the knife away from her and swiped at her now empty hand. She caught the blade, and the blood streamed from her hand as I withdrew the knife, leaving an open gash.

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