Important Information

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Thank you for reading volume one of BloodXLust

I have some important information.
First—this story will be edited in the future to fix poor writings at the beginning but nothing plot wise should change. If you get update notification for this story it will be the reworked chapters. It will take a while as I want them all published at once so writing isn't inconsistent. This will take some of my time as I also work on book two so short breaks will happen but I'll do my best not to wait too long.
Second— writing out the accents like "vhat" or "zhey" will no longer happen in part two. And will be edited out in this story eventually as well.
Third— book two is coming this spring with the first few chapters released at once.
Fourth— at some point in the future I'm going to change up this story and republish it as an original work. I'll let you know when that happens as I'd also like to be officially published and would love your support and any advice on bettering the story as it is now.
Fifth— this story focused a lot of Gilbert and his perspective and relationships, book two will do the same but with Antonio, and book three will do so with Francis. The first few chapters of book two will be from a third person perspective most likely I hope this doesn't bother you, it will change when Y/N comes back into the picture and expect a LOT of drama.

See you all next time!

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