Chapter One Hundred & Twenty Four | EscapeXKids

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"Hey, Peter," I smiled meekly.

He stuck out his lower lip pouting as he clung to me, "you're upset."

"Because you're clinging to her like lost puppy," Erwald huffed.

Peter shot a glare at him, and wendy covered her mouth, stifling a giggle at Peter's obvious clinginess.

"I'm not upset to see you, just a bit drained."

He tugged on my arm and looked at my bandages.

"It isn't bleeding anymore," he gasped, and I quickly took my arm away. "We heard you were marked?"

"I-I heal fast."

"But you should at least be in pain," Tarkan said from across the room.

"Women have a higher pain tolerance," I said matter-of-factly.

I made my way past Erwald and Raphael and sat down with a big sigh. I laid down on the sofa and let out another deep sigh as I stared at the ceiling. It was quiet enough to hear the ticks of the clock, so I turned back to them. They kept glancing at me as they spoke at vampiric speeds.

"So...what do you guys usually do up here while the adults are crazy downstairs?" I asked, and Peter smiled wide.

"We play video games, and sometimes we have snacks-"

"You make us sound like little kids," Erwald complained, and Tarkan rolled his eyes.

"Because you are little kids."

Erwald glared at him and stood up abruptly, "are not."

"That was literally the most childish thing you could have just said."

I stifled a laugh, as he was absolutely right about that. It's been a while since I'd heard childish arguments. Though real children were around six to nine, Erwald was around twelve but still complained like one.

Wendy laughed, and everyone else blushed.

That lucky little girl.

Tarkan, Wendy, Raphael, Peter, and Erwald debated amongst themselves what they normally did.

"We play video games a lot," Peter said.

"But we usually just look at memes," Wendy argued.

"I don't need an exact answer more like how do you tune them out?" I interrupted awkwardly.

"Easily." They said in unison.

"I don't," Tarkan muttered, and they stared at him.

"Okay....aside from you, Tarkan. How do you tune them out?"

"Oh. It's a vampire thing. We have really good hearing, so we have to train it to sort of zoom in on locations, like a camera lens focusing in and out," Wendy explained, and I nodded.

"But enough about us, we want to know what it's like being human, I have a million questions," Peter exclaimed and sat down in front of me like he was a child waiting for a story.

"Like what?" I decided to indulge him.



"Vampires don't have to breathe. Dhampires don't have to breathe very much. How long can you hold your breath, and what happens if you stop breathing and stuff?" He started.

"Most humans will die holding their breath underwater for more than two minutes. Some humans have records much longer than that. Personally, I almost drowned as a kid, so my lungs became pretty strong overtime. Almost drowned a few times after record, though? Maybe like four minutes. A shark knocked off my oxygen mask, and I had to try and get it back without being ripped apart. So yeah...that was fun."

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