Chapter Forty Four | DrinksXDecisions

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Without warning, Antonio pulled my gray jacket off and placed it carefully on the floor just behind the grand piano where we gathered.

"Lay down Chica, it'll be easier," Antonio instructed.

"Wait- were you just lying when you said I had a choice-" I panicked but was interrupted by Gilbert.

"No, ve just vant some blood," he insisted.

I relaxed, it felt strange that sentence would be relaxing compared to how I might've taken that months ago.

"You shouldn't have worn an outfit like this," Francis instructed.


"It's harder the get to our spots," Antonio informed and I gave an inquisitive look.


"We like to take from the same spot, it's easier and more convenient is all," Antonio added.

Francis laid on his side behind me to gain better access to my neck, Antonio had his head on one leg with the other bending over him and Gilbert was lying beside me, his head at the same level as my breast.

"Ve're behind a piano so don't be embarrassed you aren't as Vell seen," Gilbert said and I wasn't sure what he meant but Antonio pulled my leggings down until they were down past my hip and latched into his old bit mark, immediately gulping down blood like he'd never have enough.

Gilbert lifted my dress up past my left breast and lifted the bra up slightly to bite into the under-boob as he'd done before.

Couldn't they have chosen more convenient locations?

I was red-faced at the notion others could see my underwear and bra but skimming my eyes across the room quickly enough not to get too much detail I noticed some had far more intimate locations being used.

It was KitKat girl that let out the first audible whimper and it felt like she triggered the whole room into deeper bites and faster hearts.

Gilbert's bite deepened and if it wasn't for the numbing venom I'd think he might be ripping my breast out.

Antonio used his left hand to caress my inner thigh next to his face until his finger lightly brushed over the vulva and I shuddered as I felt him smirk into my leg.

He took a break to breathe and lick his lips.

He looked up to me with vampiric red eyes and his shining fangs unsheathed.

He pressed his thumb into my underwear just below my clit and I tried not to moan, instead, I grabbed for Gilbert and Francis to squeeze onto.

My leg kicked out in an involuntary action and I clenched my jaw shut tight. Francis took a break from drinking too and looked down at me, his thumb traced across the bottom of my lip and he leaned in to kiss me.

Gilbert finally stopped drinking, wiped his mouth off and shared glances with his friends deciding what to do.

He met my half-lidded gaze and smirked.

"I know you have options tonight, but ve veally vant to get a little more intimate than ve are vight now," he revealed not to my surprise, and he slipped his thumb under my bra cup and brushed his pad over my tit.

I squeaked but this only enticed them and he moved his thumb in circles around the areola and purred happily.

He gave my breast a squeeze and I shifted uncomfortably.

I couldn't make any audible protests as Francis had his tongue deep in my mouth.

Antonio pulled my leggings further down and moved his face so his nose brushed over my entrance and I tried squeezing my legs shut, but this only made him happier.

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