Chapter Forty Three | PanicXPeople

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I thought my heart would stop beating.

He, Gilbert and Antonio ushered me into another room.

They shut the door behind them and I clutched my chest in panic.

I felt dizzy and Gilbert ran to my side, gripping my shoulders and shaking me, Antonio shushed me and Francis helped me sit down.




"Calm down mon amour," Francis hushed sweetly.

I looked him in the eyes, mine watering already in fear. Why did I have to be so stupid?

He tilted my chin up and I balled up my hands in intense worry.

"You're okay," Antonio tried to assure.

"No, I'm not, I'm-"

"It's optional," Francis cut me off and my heart stopped again.

I took a minute to process the information to recognize I really was okay this time.

They saw my relief and I fell into Antonio's arms behind me.

"You got very lucky," Francis sighed, "we told them we were waiting for our mating ceremony, it was the only thing I could think of," he said resting his face in his hands and rubbing his eyes in exhaustion.

"Wait so what does that mean?"

"Now they think you're our fiancée too," Antonio answered.

I turned ghostly pale, "you fucking idiots..." I mumbled.

"What does that mean for me now?"

"Just that hopefully you'll lose your virginity before a fake mating date we set up," Antonio explained.

"What does it mean, I mean?"

"Mates or like life partners, husbands or wives. We share a prick of blood from the ring finger, tell each other we love each other and then we consummate it, sometimes not always in that order," he detailed.

"Wait. So now I'm a pet and I'm your fiancée, how does that work?"

"I think they think we're completely brainwashing you, so just kind of go along with everything and don't be sassy," Francis sighed.

He rubbed his face again and opened the door back up and we walked back to the living room where people were socializing.

"When do things get freaky, is that when we're leaving?" I asked.

Gilbert chuckled and corrected me, "That's vhen you can go in anovher room vhile ve have fun." He gave me his trademark sly grin and turned back around to sprint to his little brother, Ludwig.

I watched him chokehold Ludwig from behind and Ludwig reflexively flip him over, breaking a glass table.

Zasch fussed at them while I tried not to burst out laughing.

Mathias and Alfred were laughing and Zasch scolded them too on not encouraging Gilbert's behavior.

Elizabetta and Roderick greeted Antonio, Francis and I.

Elizabetta immediately went in for a hug.

"I'm so glad ve can finavvy be togevher like vhis," she grinned widely, squeezing me tight.

"Like this?"

"Our true selves, I mean."

"I'm not the brightest person I'll need a little more explanation please," I blushed.

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