Chapter Seventy Five | GilbertXDiary

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May 3

My name is Gilbert Beilshmidt.

I live in the Holy Roman Empire on the border of Hungary a crazy place full of crazy Huns.

I love in the orphanage with my best friends.

Their names are Helmut, Dieter, Elijah, and Roderick. Though personally, I hate Roderick.

Helmut is wild at heart. He has brown hair, brown eyes and a chipped tooth from the time he fell out of a tee while we were playing hide and seek.

Dieter is timid. He has blonde hair, blue eyes and is very pale. He likes to sing and he gets sick very easily.

Elijah is tough and crazy. He curses a lot and annoys the nuns and is always running around. He has light brown hair and green eyes and is taller than the rest of us.

Roderick is annoying. He has dark brown hair, brown eyes and a mole on his cheek. He can't do anything for himself and never runs around or plays with the rest of us. He likes the piano in the orphanage but that's the only thing he's good at.

Personally, I prefer the flute. It's way more awesome.

The nuns at the orphanage are kind of annoying. They force me to learn how to read and write because supposedly they are "useful skills" but who wants that when you can be a soldier for the great Holy Roman Empire! Better yet a Teutonic knight.

The Teutonic Knights are these awesome group of guys who travel the whole world to spread Christianity and make it a better place.

I think I'm a Christian.

I believe in god and I pray when I screw up.

According to my friends, I screw up a lot.

It's early morning now, it's sunny out but there are gray clouds in the distance so it might rain soon.

The old church doesn't have a good roof so it leaks a lot. But it's fun collecting the raindrops in buckets. Roderick thinks it makes a pretty sound and tries to play with it. Elijah thinks it's funny.

Elijah is protective of Roderick. I'm not sure why.

I think Elijah likes music but he's never know how to play. He's best at breaking things and as much as I hate to admit it he's bested me at swords a few times.

Swords is a fun game we all play with wooden swords.

The nuns won't let us have real ones and they don't believe in violence but boys will be boys so they let us play Knights.

I want to be a knight, so does Helmut and dieter and Elijah. But not Roderick.

Roderick wants to be rich and a composer. That'll never happen. He's such a showoff.

I'm being forced to write in this stupid diary.

Diary sounds like such a lame word but I don't think there's a better word.

"Nun Anna!?" I shout loudly.

"Gilbert, inside voice please."

No thanks, lady. I do what I want.

"Diary is a lame vord is vhere a better vord!?"

She sighed in frustration at my refusal to be quieter.

Roderick glared at me from his table and held a finger to his lips to silence me and I growled at him.


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