Chapter One Hundred & Twenty Six | LetterXSeal

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"So, you're saying we might actually be really horrible for each other?" I panicked, and Gilbert freaked out too.

The kids watched with intense curiosity as Gilbert flailed his arms around, trying to come up with an explanation.

"N-nein. Othervise vhere vould be signs!?"

"Like what?"

"Vell...obvious disdain. I don't hate you one bit-just the opposite! I lo-"

"What's going on 'ere?" Francis interrupted, and I looked up at him, teary eyes.

"Oi, Gilbert, what the 'ell did you do?"

"N-nothing?" Gilbert was red with embarrassment, and the kids were leaning in like they were on the edge of their seats in a movie theatre.

Antonio and Francis were both fully dressed again with small smudges of makeup and bite marks on the visible parts of their bodies; their ears, their wrists, their ankles, and necks.

Not going to lie, I felt a pang of jealousy. This is why Gilbert stayed with me. He knew I'd feel this, and he didn't want that. If Gilbert had gone too...I'd feel abandoned right now.

He really does care a lot...

I leaned back into Gilbert's embrace, and he stiffened in nervousness but relaxed when I seemed to be okay.

"Hey, Tarkan, they bother you too much?" Antonio asked jokingly, and Tarkan shook his head whilst Gilbert looked offended he'd purposely annoy a child, even though that's something he would totally do.


"Well, If you need anything, feel free to ask Francis, Gil or I. Sadik isn't very informative with things we know, but we'd be more than happy to teach you everything you need to know," Toni said very enthusiastically and with a wink.

"Oh my god, are you flirting with a child," I jokingly accused, but he stiffened up thinking I was completely serious.

"Wh-wh-what!? No, no, no, no, no! I would never do that! I swear, Chica, I promise! Muy serio- though technically compared to us everyone is a child so-"

"Toni stop talking," Francis advised very calmly, and Toni turned around and hid behind Francis in defeat as I tried not to laugh my ass off.

"Well, what 'ave you lot been up to?" Francis asked us, trying to change the subject quickly.

"Gilbert says you had a fling with Alfred-" Peter piped up too enthusiastically.

Francis turned bright red and whipped his head around to Gilbert, who tried hiding behind me.

"'Ow in the 'ell did zhat come up?" He asked. Antonio also looked somewhat annoyed by it. He didn't seem to like mentions of his mate's flings, despite their open relationship.

" vere just talking about Alfred, and it happened?"

Francis gave him an annoyed quizzical look and sighed but changed his expression quickly when looking back to the kids. He smiled brightly and apologized for stealing us away, "We 'ave important business to attend to. Your families are making zhemselves...Eh...decent. But we shall be going, au revoir." He waved as he spun around with a seductive grin, and Antonio helped Gil and I to our feet as we slunk after them embarrassedly.

"What were you two fighting about so suddenly?" Francis asked as we headed downstairs to a mostly decent room, and a few indecent pets completely passed out or comatose.

I shielded my vision with a hand to the side of my face, and Antonio laughed at me and stood on the side facing them so I'd have less a chance of seeing something I didn't want to.

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