Chapter Thirty One | JulyXSeduction

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It was July now.

The drama of June was behind us and the last few weeks had actually been remotely normal.

A relief for me since it seemed I couldn't catch a break since I moved in with the trio.

Last night officer Shneck had come to the door with more news of the suspected killer.

It'd been months since we'd even stumbled upon the bloody scene and they were still taking their time it seemed.

The night before that Lily and Zasch had visited. Lily destroyed Gilbert in his hand and he joked again.

He didn't lick his pizza when I threatened to take it this time. He hadn't really gotten his mouth near me in a while and neither had Toni or Francis which came as a big surprise to me.

They winked, smirked, blew kisses and whispered suggestive things still. But they'd also made themselves a jar they put a quarter in each time they got their mouths close to me.

I don't know if it was an attempt to make me feel less pressure, or safer, or what? But honestly, I was starting to miss the feeling of their lips brushing against my neck.

I even played card games or party games that might lead to something interesting but they didn't take the bait.

I felt like I might do something drastic to get them to pay attention to me. I still didn't want sex but I was becoming touch-starved as they'd drawn back from me.

Maybe they lost interest in me.

Maybe I shouldn't still be here.

These anxieties had plagued me for weeks to the point I felt like crying.

They noticed me looking glummer today and pushed the couches together to watch a movie of my choice.

I desperately chose to play Fifty shades of gray to elicit any response from them but it was like they built up barriers that didn't even exist when we'd first met.

It got to a more heated part and I closed my eyes, expecting one of them to tease me.

Gilbert noticed and clicked his tongue.

"Aren't ve supposed to be vatching a movie you vant to vatch?" He asked and turned to face me.

I sat up to hold back the tears. He hadn't teased me, he didn't say anything in character of his usual self.

Weeks of trying to act like nothing happened and things were getting worse. I denied and denied and denied and now not even Gilbert was teasing me and I couldn't hold back my worries anymore.

I leaped over the back of the couch to their surprise and ran up the stairs to the comfort of my room.

I shut my bedroom door behind me and cried into my fluffy throw pillows. I chose the pillow that wouldn't leave makeup stains and let myself cry into it.

Ever since the hospital trip, it's like everything was different and I couldn't take it anymore. Did they realize they didn't like me at all when they didn't care as much as they thought they would when I was dying or was it they were too afraid to get close to me again because they did care that much?

The emotional distance felt different too not just the atmosphere, it felt platonic and the physical difference was what it'd never been and that was inactive. Unless of course, they were with someone else, it was just inactive with me.

Gilbert attempted to quietly knock on my door but it came off its hinges instead and he caught it in surprise while I looked at him with annoyed disbelief.

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