Chapter One Hundred & Two | ConfusionXPassion

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"You could've shortened that story."

"Non, I like telling stories."

Francis set down the pile of diaries from Gilbert's room and we sat in silence for a while.

"So what was the point of all that?"

"...I don't remember."

"For fuck's sake," I sighed, my head in my hands and laid on my side.

"The popcorn is done," Antonio cheered, entering the room with several buckets, "did you finish without me?" He gasped, pretending to be offended and he sat the popcorn down in the glass coffee table.

He scooted next to me.

"What was the point of all that Antonio because Francis forgot?" I looked up at him pouting and he shrugged.

"It's...a good story?"

I groaned and put a throw pillow over my face.

He patted my back laughing. There were a number of things I learned and still wanted to know.

"So what ever happened to Adela?"

Antonio brightened up, "oh, that's such a cutie story!" He clapped his hands together and I put my hand over his mouth, "short version," I urged and he nodded so I took my hand away.

"Eliza visited Adela when Adela was really old and Adela still remembered her! Adela became a nun because she couldn't ever love anyone but Eliza, cute right?" He cooed.

"That's depressing...."

He sighed, "well that flower clip Eliza always has in her hair, that's Adela's," he said and I bounced up.

"That's amazing!"

"Wh-why?" Antonio stuttered.

"It's so old! Do you think she'll let me touch it!?" I asked giddily and Francis laughed at my eagerness whilst Antonio seemed a little alarmed as I shook him by the shoulders.

"Umm...maybe later?" He responded and I sighed and sat back down.

"What about the rest of Eliza's family? The bakers in law and stuff?"

"They forgot about the others just as the queen made everyone else. Eliza's Great grandniece is Emma, the Belgian girl. Eliza insists Emma looks just like Gretchen. Also that boy Gretchen wanted to marry, Lilith's brother, is Abel, the Dutchman."

My eyes widened.

Such a small world.

"Cool but I have a few notes," I began and they both looked worried.

"So even though Eliza loves Roderick she lets Gilbert run to her?"

They both nodded.

"Eliza doesn't need to run to Gilbert anymore but he feels the need to run to her because she reminds him of simpler happier times when they were dreamers and humans," Antonio sighed sadly.

"But Gilbert...'e doesn't run to us when he needs 'elp. We remind him of reality, we came into his life when his fell apart..." Francis crooned sadly and hung his head.

"Have you ever tried talking to him?" I questioned but they shrugged it off.

"He avoids the topic at all costs. Zhen again I suppose we are too," Francis pondered.

I recalled the overly heated moments we shared and agreed.

"I'm doing exactly what he is..." I mumbled and looked down at my hands for no real reason. Staring at my hands has always been a way I determine if I'm awake, I stare at them until they stop shaking, though because if my anxiety they'll always tremble a little bit.

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