Chapter Fifty Six | FrancisXArthur

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"Yes there is, I've lived here for months I'm an expert on this by now," I countered Francis's argument that there was no sexual tension between him and Arthur. Antonio watched with amusement.

"So you're saying you're sexually tense?" Antonio chimed.

I blushed and jumped, "no! That's not what I meant," I informed.

"Are you sure Chica because we're here no importa qué." He insisted and made an okay sign with his hand.

"You two are not throwing me off-topic, I've been wanting all these crazy stories for weeks-er actually like eleven days- so at least give me this!" I demanded.

"It's only been eleven days?"

"Shoosh; Francis, story-now!"

Francis sighed and leaned back in the kitchen chair.

"I 'ave a lot of stories I just not zhe best at telling zhem," he admitted and reluctantly began.

A long time ago, not long after I became a vampire the Roman Empire invaded Britain. Living lavishly in Rome I'd in a sense 'forgotten' the troubles of places such as early Britain and Gaul. But during the invasions I felt a need to travel there, to help. But from early on Britain wasn't a force to be dealt with as Ceaser fled in fear from the Britons he'd come to attack.

In the aftermath, there was of course blood and loss and I decided to disguise myself amongst these Brits to see if I could help them in the way I couldn't help my own people.

I don't know why she came to me and I don't know if she knew or how she did but a Briton woman of poor health, dressed in rags, dirtied face and out of breath asked me to help care for her two sons. She showed me to her home and she died as she lay on her mat by her two sons.

They blamed me at first, they thought I'd done something.

One boy was fifteen, he had bushy brows and red hair, went by the name Allistor, the other was no more than three, equally bushy brows and scruffy dark blonde hair, went by the name Arthur.

I was in no state of mind to care for children, nor was it safe considering my species. I wanted to go back to my wealthy life in the capital in clean white robes showered in women not stay with the two and that was perhaps a mistake.

Their neighbors took them in when I explained the situation, but allistor caused trouble after I left. He stole and even killed to survive and provide for himself and a woman he fancied. He lived in the fields when showing his face became dangerous and when I visited to find only Arthur and hear of Allistor crimes I went to find Allistor.

Allistor met an untimely end sliced by the swords of men he tried t steal from. Now I didn't want anything to do with him but I'd promised the Briton woman and I turned him into a vampire. He was horrified and in awe at his power and before I could assure he knew how to handle himself he left and decided to be more present in Arthur's life.

Now Arthur was seven and he was already unbelievably sassy. When I visited with robes he called me a woman, when I did his hair like mine he said he looked like a douche bag like me. The insults for no reason came at me all the time.

I thought it was cute at the time I didn't know they'd persist for millennia or I'd I've wiped my hands clean of the boy.

Around fourteen Arthur was talented with swords and wanted to fight for his home, I was able to take a step back from my constant visits and focused on finding Allistor again.

Allistor was well known in the vampire royal guard not as a trouble maker but as one of them, an elite.

It was at this point I first met the queen and Allistor first heard if my promise to his mother. Allistor decided he'd care for Arthur but Arthur's life became chaotic because of this.

Aged sixteen discovering the bloody world of vampires wasn't ideal, neither was learning the people who raised you craved death and blood and had killed for years. He didn't trust me, not ever again really.

Allistor had no idea how to care for children. He just brought Arthur with him everywhere and scolded him a lot. I don't think Allistor meant to be an awful guardian, but vampires, especially during those times, tended to put themselves and their desires first.

Arthur ran away and got into even more trouble than Allistor had.

Arthur infiltrated Rome and killed many soldiers and citizens. His hands were cut off for thievery and he was sentenced to death and that's when I had to step in again.

It didn't matter if saved his life and the venom had restored the hands he so missed, he hated me. He blamed me for a lot of the trouble in his life and that was the beginning of our rivalry.

Century after century we'd fight for our separate homes, his becoming England and mine becoming France and we'd meet each other in the battlefield every time.

He started pirating and decided to make himself a powerful clan. He wanted nothing more than to be known by all and to be adored by the queen. Both England's queen and our queen.

He more than once tricked me into thinking we could be friends and in one or two moments of weakness, he tricked me into thinking we were going to make love before running odd with my wallet or something else valuable to me. He even stole a ship I owned once. He used that ship to go to the colonies and he turned young Alfred. That's when his reign began to end finally.

So I probably wouldn't have turned him despite my promise had I known all that he'd do but in the end he didn't become an evil person. If anything just extremely loyal to his country and himself and those that choose to remain by his side.

However I'm in no sense complimenting that fool, he's absolutely crazy, you should've seen him in every war, every uprising, every time someone dared go against him. That's why I helped Alfred put him in his place.

Since that happened he and I have been fighting like how you just saw. Not so much as battlefield enemies but just general hatred.

"I still don't see any of that as hatred."

"Tais-toi, blaireau."

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