Chapter One Hundred & Nine | MorningXWarnings

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I was surprised to find myself awake before everyone. The tv wasn't on and there was no noise aside from the birds chirping, a sound I didn't like because it reminded me it was morning again.

I was still rather sore and the bite marks Gilbert had left literally everywhere were more visible now than they had been last night and they were kind of itchy too.

I crept downstairs quietly and sure enough, no one was awake yet. I almost wondered if I was in some similar dream type world but Gilbert was still snoring loudly on my bed, the very thing that'd managed to wake me up.

I stepped back upstairs as quietly as I could and tiptoed to Antonio's room. His door was cracked open and inside he was reading, his metallic bottle next to him. He must've been thirsty. He paid me no attention and continued to read.

I peaked into Francis's room and immediately wished I hadn't as he was chest down buck naked without any covers. His snores were quiet but I could still hear them with the door shut and I left back to my own room where Gilbert snored so loud he woke himself up and darted upright in confusion. He saw me creeping back into the room and laid back down patting the spot next to him where I'd been sleeping.

I rolled my eyes and scooted back under the covers. He threw his arm over me and his breathing became quiet and consistent as he fell back asleep, his head on my shoulder.

Now I couldn't move or I'd wake him up, this felt like owning a cat. You can't dare disturb their sleep because the only time they aren't destructive and wild is when they're sleeping and it's too damn adorable.

I wish I could photograph the moment but it might wake him up.

It was only seven but the sun decided to shine brightly today which I hated because I wanted to sleep. I'd been up a few hours ago, I needed more than three hours of sleep. I'd have to catnap throughout the day, hopefully, I wouldn't have anything to do.

I studied Gilbert closely as he slept soundly. Why did he breathe if he didn't need too? I didn't care if course because his tiny puffs of breath were adorable, his white hair was messy and his face looked so peaceful it was hard to believe he was the same person as Gilbert from last night. Gilbert's cuteness and cuddling managed to help me drift back into sleep.

"They're coming," she whispered.


I was back in the Blood world somehow. I was standing on the still sea of blood facing myself again.

"Dammit, I hate you," I muttered.

She had no reaction to my disgust and continued.

"Remember Peter?" She asked and the name chilled me. I looked at her wide-eyed.

"Of course I do, why do I care you know his name, you're part of my conscious anyway?"

"I can feel him in our blood."

"What the fudge does that mean?"

She pointed a bloody finger behind me and I spun around to see blood forming into the shapes of several familiar people.

Peter, my old boss.

Greta, the weird girl in town.

Mr. Cooper, a man I'd seen at work before.

A man I'd seen in a painting in Peter's office.

Behind these four stood an army of unfamiliar faces.

I spun back around to my reflection.

"Is this supposed to mean something?"

"I'd advise you tell them everything before it's too late for forgiveness, for explanation."

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