Chapter One Hundred & Twenty One | MarksXPain

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"Dammit, why do I always feel so guilty for not telling him," I moaned as Anna and I went to join the others.

"Because you care about him and what he thinks of you," she said firmly.

She gave me a serious look and hugged me again before she left for the council room, tagging behind Vasch as they entered clan by clan.

I saw Gilbert, and he beckoned me over quickly with his hand.

"What?" I mouthed.

"Come here," he hissed, and I rolled my eyes and walked up to him much to the surprise of the other pets watching us.

Gilbert grabbed onto my hand, and after quick glances from Francis and Antonio, they lead me into the council room with them.

"The Croix Clan," we were announced. I felt like I was a real part of it this time, and then my happiness faded, and I remembered why I was here. It was to face that bastard Kuro.

Everyone took their seats, and Gilbert found on an extra chair for me, and I squeezed in between Francis and Gilbert, who both straighten up as seriously as they could.

"She might not want to hear any of this guys," Antonio warned them, looking at them nervously as I remained squished in between the two. Antonio reached his hand over Francis's lap and held onto mine.

Francis was looking down at me seriously again. The same expression he always gave when I would not talk about my past. But this time, it was less frustration and more fear for me.

I paid close attention at first but lost interest quickly.

Most clans went over their profits, their jobs, their members.

Vasch mentioned Anna joining his clan.

Elizabetta and Roderick announced their official courting.

Sadik announced Tarkan was beginning vampiric puberty; now, I realize what Francis was talking about with him.

Feliciano mentioned his grandfather had visited recently and reported the information he was given.

Alfred talked about their construction plans for the human-relocation project, which I had a lot of questions about, none of which I was allowed to ask.

Then it was finally Francis's turn.

"We remain financially stable; our home location has not changed, I recently was forced to erase the memory of my existence from a carpenter in town,"

He erased the old man's memory?

"Gilbert is emotionally stable once more and permanently returned to our home,"

Gilbert blushed and tried to hide inside his jacket.

"__, and the three of us have made little progress on her status as a vampire, and it's future implications."

Francis was stopped when Alfred turned his mic on to ask a question.

"Oui, Alfred?"

"We've allowed for you to keep your human close to you under presumption she will soon be turned, yet you have made no progress in her transformation."


Ivan chimed in, "little human girl is dangerous, da? She also gets into dangerous situations, do you not find it safer to turn her now?"

"Non. We'd run the risk of her becoming a red vampire," Francis growled defensively.

There were a few murmurs as they knew this obviously meant I was still a Virgin, which was supposedly impossible having lived with the trio since April.

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