Chapter Ninety Two | GilXHoliness

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I abandoned my dreams of knighthood.

I became a priest instead.

Not my cup of tea but I needed to find the red-eyed demon.

I've read up on demons all I could but I couldn't be sure which one he was.

He seemed to appear on the battlefields, wherever there was chaos and blood, and I'd seen him many times since our first encounter years ago.

It'd been a few months since I last saw him and I couldn't be sure where he'd gone until our headquarters received a note from a noble asking for my assistance.

I wasn't sure why I'd been specifically asked for, after all, there were plenty of priests, but then I found out it was Roderick.

As a priest the idea of letting him suffer I needed to repent for.

Oh well.

I needed to repent for lots of crap. The others thought I was very godly and studious but the truth was I was just asking him to forgive me for all the shit I thought about.

I didn't feel like seeing Roderick again but I knew he lived near Elijah now and I wanted to visit him again.

He's twenty now.

We all are.

I can't believe we've come so far. I bet Elijah is married with kids, he's probably running the butchery. I wonder if he goes hunting with Roderick though I can't imagine Roderick actually hunts so much as he just watches like a sissy.

I scammed the Bible and archives for information on demons I might need.

I'd performed an exorcism before with success but it didn't feel the same as the red-eyed man. Actually, it felt much scarier and it was only possession whereas I'd seen a demon in the flesh. His looks imply he must be a fallen angel, otherwise, I'm sure his form would be beastly, though it's rather stupid of him not to hide his red eyes.

Then again I also have red eyes which I'd many times been accused of evil just for having.

I dawned my uniform and accompanied by two knights, Conrad and Zsigmund, both fathers now, we set out for the mountains where Roderick resided.

"Vhey saw the same demon as us?" Zsigmund questioned and I nodded.

"It seems vhat vay..."

"Vhat vill you do? Vhat man could not be killed how can ve even attempt to catch him?"

"I don't know quite yet but I know god vill save us," I assured them, trying to sound more faithful and confident than I actually was.

I missed sparring with them. All my time was dedicated to the Bible and to prayer. It's not a direction I saw myself going but my fight was with demons now, not with people.

We found ourselves needing to set up camp and the feeling of familiar dread set in as a watched the campfire and remembered the night which felt so familiar.

On our way to Austria, the fire, the many similarities.

Hopefully, after this, it would all be over.

Sucks for me that I'm stuck as a priest till the day I die.

I've been encouraged to stay away from women, not that I need to be told twice. I still had little to no interest in marrying.

I sighed and sat by the fire longer than I should have. I'd need more rest but I could relax in the wagon until then.

At the first sign of light, Zsigmund who was on watch woke us up and we set out again. It took a few hours, even though Conrad tried getting the horse to go faster. If we had swift-foot it would've been a much faster trip but swift-foot was in his final days, he was a scar covered ear horse and despite our efforts and his young age he wasn't healthy enough to recover his strength he'd lost on the battlefield.

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