Chapter Five | BloodXMurder

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Despite the small prick of pain, I wouldn't have even noticed I'd been cut had the three men not stood frozen for a minute in shock.

"It's just a cut need to be so shocked, fjollet." My dutch slipped through as I tried to bring some normalcy back to the group.

Gilbert shook his head nervously, "Tut mir leid, I should've been more careful."

"I'm not made of glass, I'll be fine, no need to be so concerned. These aren't poisonous thorns, after all, I've studied a bit of botany since I camp often, so no need to look so shocked."

It's like they hadn't realized they were shocked but the fact that Antonio and Francis noticed from their position a few yards away made me think perhaps they were reacting to something else so as their shoulders softened again and they walked at a steady pace again.

"You've studied a bit of everything haven't you, erudito?" Antonio teased sweetly.

"I don't know a lot about each thing but I know a little about everything I can, it's always good to have information no matter how random it might seem."

"So you know dutch too then?" Gilbert asked.

"Nice, you picked up on it, do you know dutch as well?"

"A bit yes, Belgian chicks are hot- ow" Gilbert started but was cut off when Francis hit the top of his head.

"Do you know any other languages?"

"I know whatever parts of them I need to know, I was in Holland recently so it's still on the tip of my tongue."

"Hey Gilbert-" Antonio interrupted.

Gilbert turned to him inquisitively.


"What is all this."

We paused in a circular clearing. The trees were coated with dried red blood.

My eyes widened in shock.

Gilbert attempted to step in front of me to block my view but I rushed past him to investigate.

"Are you crazy, don't just rush into this kind of place." Gilbert hissed.

"I've seen worse, besides we should know what this is in case we need to report it." I hummed as I looked to frayed rope hidden beneath the leaves.

It wasn't well concealed, there weren't many leaves above it, but there were many below it, it must've been recent. I couldn't sense the bloody tang in the air so it couldn't have been less than a day or so.

Antonio walked to me quickly where I was crouched down over the rope, careful not to touch it. He pulled me up by my arm and dragged me away from the scene to the others.

"Ve've seen this shit before, it's the mark of a murder who's been in the area before, for all ve know vhere are cameras watching, you can't be here anymore," Gilbert growled anxiously.

"You've seen this before personally?"

"We come to these woods a lot, the same thing happened a year ago. It could be an annual thing. Espero que no." Antonia fretted, exchanging a knowing glance with Francis.

Was everyone in this town as peculiar as them?

"___ 'ou should return home. It's best 'ou leave town- and 'ait what do you mean 'ou've seen worse?"

"Delayed reaction, much? I've been to countries on the brink of war, villages on the brink of extinction, towns populated with people on the brink of death. Not all countries are so safe and secure, the third world and even the second don't have that kind of privilege. Even home in the states, there are cities well known for homicide. I got in a knife fight once in Mexico, I've had a gun pointed at me in Norfolk, I got stuck in a bank robbery in Portland, I seem to have a habit of going places where I'm not welcome." I muttered. It was true. Traveling as much as I did, you learn to be cautious, you learn to stomach unpleasant things, you learn to expect things you never would've imagined as a child.

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