Chapter Sixty | AntonioXBed

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"I really appreciate it but there was no need to make me a bed."

Antonio was painting the baseboards if a bed he was making. This was both a distraction for him and an apology to me.

"No worries Chica, this is fun."

"It's like 100 degrees out."

"Is that even possible?"

"Fahrenheit not Celsius," I noted.

"Oh, well what is the temperature in Celsius?"

"Umm...38 feels like 41."

"Toni you'll get sick, you should come inside now," Francis warned.

Antonio did look a little dizzy.

"I'll be fine."

"Do not argue with me on this, you are king of sun-sickness," Francis scolded and Antonio rolled his eyes.

"Sun sickness?" I questioned.

"The sun affects our health," Francis informed.

"So then you do have a weakness?"

"Worse case we faint for a little while we still can't be killed, just feel a little nauseous and sleepy is all," Antonio explained, ignoring Francis's warning.

Francis, not in the mood to deal with this, returned to the couch inside.

I hated the heat, maybe even more so than them but I wanted to keep an eye on Toni.

"Last time you came out to check on me you had an umbrella and said you wanted to be a vampire."

I flushed, "that seems a little embarrassing now..." I mumbled and he laughed at me. It was nice to see him smile and laugh. But now I wondered if I should be keeping Francis company instead.

Francis came to check on us again within the minutes and informed us he was going to call a few friends and hang out at the pub.

Antonio grumbled at this and I heard the car leave.

Finally, Antonio let lose his own feelings, "Maldita sea!" He cursed and combed his hair back with his hand as he crouched by the paint cans.


"Why could he have not told me this sooner!? Gilbert's situation is even worse than I thought- I want him to come back now, I need to tell him, I need to be there for him! Does he even know?"

He fell back in frustration and sat in the grass holding his head.

"Toni, let's go inside, this can wait-"

"De ninguna manera." He refused and I rolled my eyes.

But my frustration turned to slight panic when his eyes fluttered shut and he fell on his side, panting slightly.

"The hell?" I exclaimed. "Crap, I need to calm Francis," I panicked aloud but Antonio weakly asked me not to.

"Por favor, Chica, don't tell him?" He asked and I rolled my eyes, annoyed again.

"Didn't he warn you?" I berated as I scooped him into my arms bridal style.

"You're Really Strong...." he breathed heavily.

I rolled my eyes for the fifth time in two minutes, "I've been telling you all that."

He relaxed his head on my shoulder and I made my way up the stairs only with slight difficulty. I should probably work out more, he was only like 170 by my guess.

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