Chapter Thirteen | PizzaXHeidi

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Gilbert wasn't embarrassed so much as he was shocked and afraid I'd be pissed.

I stumbled back trying to block the image as much as I felt the urge not to.

I'd seen everything- well, almost everything. What did see was the 'main attraction', were dicks usually that size?

I'd only ever seen them in pictures I didn't want sent to me, I stopped myself from gagging at the old memories and Gilbert's door shut before he rushed back out in inhuman speed to check on me.

He was careful not to grab me on the ground afraid I was in shock or something. Too afraid to make any quips he called to Antonio.

"Toni-problem." He called downstairs.

"What did you do now?"

"Vhat-!? Nothing this time, geez." He snapped back.

He let me stay in a ball against the wall in front of his door and met Antonio halfway down the stairs to whisper what'd happened.

Most girls wouldn't find this a big deal if anything it'd be fuel for wet dreams but I was trying not to think about it because if I thought about them...then I don't know what.

Was I grossed out, I can't tell?

"Tio joder?" Antonio cursed in surprise.

"Is everything okay?" Francis asked from the living room by the door.

"Not sure," Gilbert answered honestly making his way downstairs to tell him.

"Gil, really!? There's a girl in the 'ouse shut zhe door!" Francis scolded in concern.

Gil shuffled from foot to foot awkwardly waiting for my backlash of sorts.

Antonio helped me to my feet and Gilbert waited in the back seat of the car as I came downstairs.

There was silence.

Not even a 'you okay'.

Just the award acknowledgment that for the first time a woman had seen one them naked that not only didn't want to but was slightly scared of.

I sat shotgun with Toni and Gilbert in the back and Francis at the wheel.

The drive was slow and weird.

Like this morning we weren't talking again, today is just a bad day it seemed.

"So where are we getting pizza?"

"Pizzaspiel!" Gilbert exclaimed like a child in hope.

"What!? No!" Francis shouted.

Five minutes later we arrived at Pizzaspiel, Francis had his head on the steering wheel in utter defeat while Gilbert and I chanted like children.

So Pizzaspiel was like chuck-e-cheese and I hadn't been to one of those since before I was a preteen so excitement ensued.

Gilbert and I were magnets to each other, both free spirits and fun-loving we couldn't help but stick by each other's side but the awkward tension was acting like a barrier between us now.

"les enfants, s'il vous plaît." Francis begged for us to calm down and not act like children but we were in the mood for distraction for sure. Repressed childhood seemed like a way out.

Francis had his head on the table, refusing to have his face seen at a family establishment with screaming children.

"Serious American atmosphere here didn't expect it in Germany." I chimed cheerfully.

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